View Full Version : Results of my MRI/just back from heart stress test

07-12-16, 14:27
Hi guys. Just a quick update. So had the results of my brain/neck MRI yesterday and the results of my nerve test.....and all good with nothing to report!

The Dr had also booked me in for a heart stress test this morning and now I am worried about what happened. So all was good and I was walking on the treadmill fine albeit with a bit of light headed-ness which I told them about. On the final part of the test my heart rate shot from about 160 to up to about 190 and blood pressure was all over the place. The nurse then shoved the emergency stop button! After the test I sat down to recover 3 people in the Cardiac Investigation team were huddled around looking at my results and whispering to each other so I didn't hear (although I certainly heard one say "I wonder if that is linked to the blood pressure). They seemed generally concerned about my results. I asked if all was OK but the nurse in charge said she was not allowed to divulge any information if Cardio Dr not looked at it yet. She told me to certainly not go the gym anymore and told me to prepare for a tilt test and a echo. Also told me to relax and not do anything strenuous. She said it would be 2 weeks for the stress test result to come back. Then that was it! Now sat here like what have they found?? Why did they seem concerned etc