View Full Version : Does anyone else get this?

08-04-07, 10:01
I think these are panic attacks but am not too sure, it happens when I eat, usually if i am out, especially at other peoples houses. I've had it for about 7 years with a gap of about a year and will feel really sick, unable to actually eat the food and in many cases will be sick. It makes me very nervous/apprehensive to go out for a meal and sometimes even at home despite me not having any issues regarding my weight etc.

08-04-07, 19:45
Hi Jemima

And welcome to NMP, im sure you will get some great advice while making new friends on the way.:)
I hope we can be of some help.:)



08-04-07, 20:51
Hi Jemima
Welcome aboard.

It sounds like general anxiety to me and not panic as such.

Have you had any help for it?

09-04-07, 01:16
Hi! I have generalized anxiety disorder. And I get that!! Or I did before I started taking meds. What you described was exactly how I felt!! Mine too had nothing to do with weight. My anxiety though eventually got the better of me and I started having other troubles and eventually couldn't eat at all. It really does sound more like anxiety though. You should try seeing someone. I see my general practioner, as well as a counselor.