View Full Version : Could this test have missed cancer? So scared :(

07-12-16, 14:52
Hi everyone. I've posted about this issue before but I'm still suffering and still completely terrified.

Six months ago I started having constipation for the first time in my life. Along with bleeding, mucous etc.

I've had all the tests and a few weeks ago after severe pain I had a flexible sigmoidscopy which found mucous and piles but nothing else.

How likely is it that this test could have failed to detect cancer? I've been in so much pain recently and whilst I've been told it's most likely ibs I don't have diarrhea and I'm in pain all the time.

Just looking for reassurance really. I was refused a full colonoscopy but I'm so scared that the sigmoidscopy missed something as I'm just not getting better.

07-12-16, 22:26
I had a sigmoidscopy done in 2013 and all what was found for me which was quite common was a small pouch which all what could have been required was key hole

I think with all the test you had someone would have been found/seen which could have sent you for a colonscopy for further testing. If you are still worried push for the test

08-12-16, 09:17
A scope is the gold standard for detecting bowel cancer.

08-12-16, 15:35
That's reassuring Space. A sigmoidscopy rather than a colonoscopy?

12-12-16, 11:25
More mucous the last few days. I'm terrified :(

12-12-16, 12:23
I have flare ups of....I'm not sure exactly but ive been told ibs. A lot of mucus. Worrying amounts. Its more a symptom of ibs or colitis. Why did they opt for yhe sigmoidscope as opposed to colonoscopy?

12-12-16, 12:34
No idea why they didn't do a full colonoscopy. Probably because my risk factor is low.

I've not been diagnosed with anything yet but the mucous is only getting worse and so is my anxiety. I don't have any bleeding or abdomen pain (lower back pain though) and my blood tests/stool sample/ sigmoidscopy results were all fine.

Feel like I'm going crazy :(

12-12-16, 12:50
I feel you. I have had times when i felt like i was going to break down from anxiety about colon cancer. I had every warning sign but it never amounted to anything. How old are you? Do you have any family history of colon cancer?

12-12-16, 13:07
No idea why they didn't do a full colonoscopy. Probably because my risk factor is low.

I've not been diagnosed with anything yet but the mucous is only getting worse and so is my anxiety. I don't have any bleeding or abdomen pain (lower back pain though) and my blood tests/stool sample/ sigmoidscopy results were all fine.

Feel like I'm going crazy :(

I went through the bowel cancer scare. I had stomach pains, my stools were mucusy and not regular. I had never paid much attention to my bowel movements before but I was now obsessed with them and noticing every little thing that was 'strange'.

I was given a colonoscopy because my granddad and uncle died from Bowel Cancer so it's in my family but it came back ok with no polyps.

I was told mine was IBS probably caused by the stress and everything this HA has done to me . I'm sure the same will be for you as when we are stressed our bowels are often involved I was told.

18-12-16, 20:29
I just can't remember I had a normal motion.
The worry is just totally consuming my life :(

18-12-16, 22:29
I just can't remember I had a normal motion.
The worry is just totally consuming my life :(

..and THAT is making your symptoms worst. I was just listening to a dr on sirius radio talking about this very thing. he was talking about the affects anxiety has on exasperating symptoms. Especially anything digestive.

Darren O
07-01-17, 17:54
Hi, Just came across your post. how you getting on?