View Full Version : Just need some reassurance please help.

07-12-16, 19:36
I'm a 25 year old female I have 2 kids under 5. I lost my sad suddenly to pancreatic cancer coming up to 3 years ago. I have been terrified since of getting it and leaving my children without a mum. Iv been experiencing a dull ache just above and to the left of my belly button. Which sometimes goes up to my left side of my back near mu shoulder blade I know the symtoms of pancreatic cancer due to fundraising after dad died so I know these are two of the more common symtoms which obviously come with several others. I have a blood test booked for friday. I suppose what I'm asking has anyone had these symtoms and it has been nothing serious. I'm so frightened.

08-12-16, 07:08
It is very frightening, my dad died of prostate cancer so at least I never worried about that!

If you don't mind me asking, how old was your dad when he died?

Many threads on here describe the feelings you currently have and all appear to have benign causes. It is more likely that you are hyper aware of these sensations and are linking them to your fears.

Could luck tomorrow.x

08-12-16, 07:38
I'm a 25 year old female I have 2 kids under 5. I lost my sad suddenly to pancreatic cancer coming up to 3 years ago. I have been terrified since of getting it and leaving my children without a mum. Iv been experiencing a dull ache just above and to the left of my belly button. Which sometimes goes up to my left side of my back near mu shoulder blade I know the symtoms of pancreatic cancer due to fundraising after dad died so I know these are two of the more common symtoms which obviously come with several others. I have a blood test booked for friday. I suppose what I'm asking has anyone had these symtoms and it has been nothing serious. I'm so frightened.

There is no point me telling you not to worry when you have family history. My Dad died of prostate cancer but there is ovarian cancer history on my mothers side, including my mum herself, so naturally I worry. I'm having my CA125 on Monday then I'll be good for another few years.

You will get peace of mind in a few days time when you get your results. Until then, distract yourself. Big hugs. X

09-12-16, 09:40
My dad was 56 when he died. He was a very fit and active man was in good health until the sudden cancer diagnosis. He died within 17 weeks. I have been coping so well for the last few months. My health anxiety has been pretty much none existent. Not even sure what triggered the fear again. I'm exhausted im not sleeping due to fear even with taking a strong sleeping tablet. Yeah I am very hyper aware of everything. New aches twitches any new marks. I am constantly checking myself for lumps bumps anything out of the ordinary multiple times a day i do it without realising half the time until my partner tries to comfort me and keep me occupied. Thank you for your replies xx