View Full Version : Dr says I am too young for meds

07-12-16, 20:12
Hi all

I was at the doctors yesterday and while crying my eyes out explained how horrible I have been feeling. Getting out of breath, fast heart, dizziness and feeling very intense from morning too night. She said that being 28 is too young for meds and I should seek other solutions first before going the medication route but I feel like I am going out of my mind and need some relief!

07-12-16, 20:19
Hi all

I was at the doctors yesterday and while crying my eyes out explained how horrible I have been feeling. Getting out of breath, fast heart, dizziness and feeling very intense from morning too night. She said that being 28 is too young for meds and I should seek other solutions first before going the medication route but I feel like I am going out of my mind and need some relief!

I am 28 too and know how you are feeling. Do you work and have a big family/social network to help you through?

07-12-16, 20:24
That's the polar opposite of what most docs do as they tend to prescribe meds at the drop of a hat. My daughter was on Zoloft at age 18 and is still on meds to this day. They help her tremendously.

The meds decision is a tough one and depends on the person and severity of their situation. He's right about pursuing other routes like therapy but perhaps a 2nd opinion is in order?

Positive thoughts

07-12-16, 20:31
My daughter was put on Prozac when she was 10 by the Maudsley Hospital. It proved to be the wrong decision. I think it makes a refreshing change when meds are not prescribed freely and therapy may prove a far better option for you. If your therapist thinks that you need meds to complement and boost your psychological treatment then your GP will probably prescribe them for you at this point.

07-12-16, 20:35
Hi all

I was at the doctors yesterday and while crying my eyes out explained how horrible I have been feeling. Getting out of breath, fast heart, dizziness and feeling very intense from morning too night. She said that being 28 is too young for meds and I should seek other solutions first before going the medication route but I feel like I am going out of my mind and need some relief!

Hi :)

28 is not too young for medication at all. I'm younger than you and I've been on some form of medication since 2012 for anxiety and depression. There are many alernatives to medications such as therapy which may help you able to cope in the long term but I feel that sometimes medication is a good option as well especially in the short term. I would go back to your doctors and speak to another doctor about it. It took me two visits to my doctor recently to get a change in medication and after seeing a different doctor from my normal one, I was perscribed a change in medictaion which I can honestly say has changed my life. If you want to go down the medication route then you have every right to that medication under the doctors supervision if you feel that you're not able to cope.

07-12-16, 20:57
I am 28 too and know how you are feeling. Do you work and have a big family/social network to help you through?

I have a wife and five kids. I have one uncle I see who try to sympathise but I can't seem to get any relief no matter how much I try to breath slow and meditate or go for walks.

---------- Post added at 20:52 ---------- Previous post was at 20:50 ----------

That's the polar opposite of what most docs do as they tend to prescribe meds at the drop of a hat. My daughter was on Zoloft at age 18 and is still on meds to this day. They help her tremendously.

The meds decision is a tough one and depends on the person and severity of their situation. He's right about pursuing other routes like therapy but perhaps a 2nd opinion is in order?

Positive thoughts

Even though I feel horrendous right now I can keep existing every minute until I get therapy, which is on the 29th of December but I don't want to be distant from my kids over Christmas :(.

---------- Post added at 20:57 ---------- Previous post was at 20:52 ----------

Hi :)

28 is not too young for medication at all. I'm younger than you and I've been on some form of medication since 2012 for anxiety and depression. There are many alernatives to medications such as therapy which may help you able to cope in the long term but I feel that sometimes medication is a good option as well especially in the short term. I would go back to your doctors and speak to another doctor about it. It took me two visits to my doctor recently to get a change in medication and after seeing a different doctor from my normal one, I was perscribed a change in medictaion which I can honestly say has changed my life. If you want to go down the medication route then you have every right to that medication under the doctors supervision if you feel that you're not able to cope.

I honestly think I need the medication so I can take mind off of my thumping heart and concentrate on fixing mind. Medication does bring you relief doesn't it? I am so scared of feeling like this forever. I want my life back!

07-12-16, 21:40
Hi , I wish my doctor had said what yours has its all to easy to try a quick fix with meds but you won't get better over night , meds work for some and not for others , family life is very stressful you probably need to slow down a bit , you sound desperate like I was but if you can hang in there for while and go for therapy first I would , there is no quick fix but you can get better I was like it at 29 and I had over ten years before it came back and that was down to major problems , hang in there it will get better .

07-12-16, 21:55
I was first put on medication when I was 15 years old!! :huh:

07-12-16, 23:20
Well that's a personal decision by a GP, guidance about prescribing is for people younger.

Get a second opinion. I was 30 when mine started. What age does your doctor see it appropriate from? 50?

Whilst it's refreshing if doctors be more careful, if it's needed it is needed. If they can steer you a better way, I think that's right as these meds can be hit & miss and some of us end up worse off. But here's the interesting thing - they didn't offer you therapy which is the other choice to meds. So, I'm sniffing a lazy doctor here just booting someone out... or is your anxiety very mild?

07-12-16, 23:28
Well that's a personal decision by a GP, guidance about prescribing is for people younger.

Get a second opinion. I was 30 when mine started. What age does your doctor see it appropriate from? 50?

Whilst it's refreshing if doctors be more careful, if it's needed it is needed. If they can steer you a better way, I think that's right as these meds can be hit & miss and some of us end up worse off. But here's the interesting thing - they didn't offer you therapy which is the other choice to meds. So, I'm sniffing a lazy doctor here just booting someone out... or is your anxiety very mild?

I was crying my eyes out begging the doctor to help. So I made it clear my anxiety is bad. She said I should refer myself to Open minds. A mental health help centre but said I should try other options before considering medication.

07-12-16, 23:37
I have a wife and five kids. I have one uncle I see who try to sympathise but I can't seem to get any relief no matter how much I try to breath slow and meditate or go for walks.

---------- Post added at 20:52 ---------- Previous post was at 20:50 ----------

Even though I feel horrendous right now I can keep existing every minute until I get therapy, which is on the 29th of December but I don't want to be distant from my kids over Christmas :(.

---------- Post added at 20:57 ---------- Previous post was at 20:52 ----------

I honestly think I need the medication so I can take mind off of my thumping heart and concentrate on fixing mind. Medication does bring you relief doesn't it? I am so scared of feeling like this forever. I want my life back!

Deciding to go on medication is a big decision. When I first went on medication for my anxiety a few years ago I was at my worst and had tried to fight it but for me nothing was working so I decided that medication was for me. Since then my medication has been changed but it has honestly brought my anxiety down so much to a level that I feel I can deal with things and live a normal life again.

You really do need to weigh up the pros and cons of committing to medication. It can very well take time to get the correct medication and the correct dosage and many medications such as antidepressants which are commonly persribed to treat anxiety can have at first have side effects which can make you feel worse before you get better. I'm on an antidepressent for anxiety with slight depression and it has taken me about two months to get rid of the side effects and three to four months before I felt the complete benefit of the medication. The first month my anxiety on the medication was at its worse This is definatly something that needs to be discussed with a doctor as when your on this type of medication you do need to be monitored closly. But you should get a different opinion from another doctor in the mean time. :)

08-12-16, 00:58
I'd push for a small dose of something either anti anxiety meds like adivan that's taken as needed. Or a daily dose of something like calexa

08-12-16, 10:19
I started medication at 19, so I don't believe you are too young. However going on antidepressants is my biggest regret in life as I believe they changed my personality and caused my anxiety, so as others have said it's a decision not to be taken lightly.

I did take Propranolol for the physical symptoms which I have nothing bad to say about.

I agree therapy should be the first approach however when the waiting lists are often 8 weeks long that's a long way to feel how you feel.

12-12-16, 14:04
Hi all, thanks for your replies. Sorry I did not get back to you sooner, been trying to be pro active with my anxiety. I have been perscribed Citalopram. Hopefully there will be few or no side effects and it will help me in the long run.

12-12-16, 14:55
My doctor is the same. I'm 33 and she thought I was too young. Her reasoning was that I didn't have kids yet, and it's not so easy to come off any of these types of medication and if I wanted to have kids I would need to come off them.
And I'm very grateful that she listened to me, and talked me through options. 'Cause I didn't really want to take medication.
I think doctors fob off anxiety all too quickly and just prescribe some meds.

And I get it. I felt I was mentally in control but I wanted my horrible physical symptoms to stop. But eventually, most of them did on their own. And I did some counselling. And I started going for daily walks. And ultimately it's mind over matter.