View Full Version : Just when I was about to get better

08-12-16, 13:31
So a few months back, like August I posted about Health Anxiety about lung cancer. Had a chest xray come back clean early June, had a biannual physical November 1st where everything checked out fine. my cough is intermittent, and actually disapates when I leave state, which should tell me its allergies not cancer, yada yada. Overall I have had no symptoms of lung cancer, other than the intermittent cough. But now I have been having pains in my bowels, both lower left and right sides, alternating. I have IBS, so that is logical, but its been worse this year, plus now chest pains, like a burning, more than usual. Probably acid reflux and bad posture. Now as of yesterday I have had this weird pressure in my back near the spine. It doesn't hurt it just feels like a weird pressure, that comes and goes, not always with positioning. Now this is what is triggering me now, as it is making me think that maybe its a tumor that is pressing against a nerve causing this sensation. I keep telling myself I am a full time student, have been on the computer non stop its my posture, and haven't been going to the gym and getting more overweight than usual, but as you know HA doesn't have time for your logic. And now this morning, I was cleaning my ears with a Qtip and coughed pretty harshly, normal reaction as all those tubes are connected and cleaning ears does trigger a coughing response often. But when I spit out into the sink there was a trace amount of blood in my saliva. Not phlegm just saliva. So yeah, now I am thinking I am coughing up blood. This is so frustrating. I just did the math, my next Biannual physical will be in April sometime. I mean I heard of people living paycheck to paycheck, I am living physical to physical. Take a physical, feel good for a short period of time, then anxiety, wait for the next physical, feel good for a short period of time, wait for the next physical....

09-12-16, 00:38
if you had a clear radiology report from your X-ray in June,it's highly unlikely
a tumour has by now grown to the point that it's interfering with nerves and haemorrhaging . the odds of a mass in your lung interfering with a nerve are quite low given any timeframe.also referred pain from lung mass are more commonly reported in upper back.
as for the blood, you wouldn't expect to see trace amounts of (is that blood isn't that blood)
it would be teaspoon full amounts of bright red blood,
if the 76 in your name reflects your birth date I'd also say you're very young to be getting lung cancer even if you're a heavy smoker. hope this helps

09-12-16, 03:39
What constitutes upper back? The pressure I feel is somewhat in between the shoulder blades, perhaps a little lower. I also have some pain 2 inches or so below the right shoulder blade, feels muscular, probably due to my posture, plus my fatass hasn't been going to the gym lately and have gained weight since I have been so busy lately. A lot of things I have read state lung cancer pain is often mistaken as skeletalmuscular. I realize I am probably over thinking things, but it just kind of sticks in the back of my mind, and its not so much just smoking 1-2 packs a day for 16 years, its the burn pits in Iraq, the chemical plants in Kuwait, and the asbestos lined breaks from the OLD army vehicles I was exposed to as well. I was actually born in 80 making it even more unlikely for lung cancer but still.

09-12-16, 11:34
I understand your worry. lung cancer fear is the reason I joined this group.
the only way you can be guaranteed 100% is scan (with contrast)
but let's just look at this logically for a moment. most people with lung cancer dont even feel pain.remember this is a respirioty problem. the ones who do feel pain are at an advanced stage.
lung cancer is very very aggressive at this point and you would be displaying far more serious symptoms by now. it's doubtful you would be mobile. weight loss would be dramatic. like from body builder to crack head in weeks to months
I saw my friends father with lung cancer drop to 90lbs in a couple of months,
he felt no pain at all, was diagnosed by routine chest X-ray after a fall down the stairs.
as for asbestosis, even people who worked in the mines and exposed to lethal amounts
never became symptomatic until their 60s and 70s
Google is the worst source of information and also 2nd hand annecdotes " someone who knows someone" if you still need reassurance, consult an oncologist directly. that's what I did. cuts out the middle men. you can speak to one online for a few pounds/dollars if finances are too tight for a face to face session.
your not alone in this, I and many other son hear have struggled with your exact fear for a long time . hope you feel better soon

---------- Post added at 11:34 ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 ----------

just to add, about the pain being. mistaken for skeletal/muscular
you can investigate this by yourself easily, does your movement effect intensity of pain?
for example: if you twist your body, elevate/ tense your arms, tilt your head onto your shoulder so neck is stretching, press your whole back flat against the wall, does this help ? if this makes it better or worse then
it's safe to say this is a mechanical problem,( probably muscular )
rather than pathalogical where pain would persist regardless and with same intensity