View Full Version : In a really bad way...

08-12-16, 13:33
I cant stop retching. This is NOT NORMAL. I am telling you it is not right.

I am starting to get dark thoughts now because of this symptom.

I have never felt this low because of this symptom ever before.

I am extremely agitated and on edge, I almost feel like I cannot live like this anymore.

Should I ever call an ambulance if I feel the retching is getting seriously out of control?

08-12-16, 13:48
You won't need to call an ambulance, no. You should book an appointment with your GP for a chat, let your GP check you over and reassure you why you're retching. Anxiety can cause this symptom, as it can nausea, diorrheoa, IBS, stomach cramps etc..

My son suffered with chronic panic last winter due to bullying, he would retch every single morning, sometimes being sick and others just retching through fear. My sister is the same when she is anxious.

I'd see your GP and discuss how you feel, but to me you sound like anxiety is making you feel this way.

08-12-16, 13:49
You won't need to call an ambulance, no. You should book an appointment with your GP for a chat, let your GP check you over and reassure you why you're retching. Anxiety can cause this symptom, as it can nausea, diorrheoa, IBS, stomach cramps etc..

My son suffered with chronic panic last winter due to bullying, he would retch every single morning, sometimes being sick and others just retching through fear. My sister is the same when she is anxious.

I'd see your GP and discuss how you feel, but to me you sound like anxiety is making you feel this way.

I can't get to my GP because I am almost agoraphobic now due to this symptom. It makes going out and being amongst other people incredibly difficult and embarrassing.