View Full Version : Haven't eaten properly for two days/Cant concentrate on anything.

08-12-16, 18:23
I cant concentrate on TV, I am eating bananas and bowls of cereal, I actually feel sick to my stomach. I cant wait till my family are back from holiday as I am sure this is something to do with this????
I was fine a couple of days ago!

08-12-16, 20:01
It sounds very likely that you're suffering from separation anxiety. I experience this, too - intense anxiety and worry when the people I love are away, either travelling or somewhere where I can't reach them. Difficulty concentrating are quite common. Have you tried speaking to your family about how you feel. Hearing that they are safe and well will bring you some peace of mind. :)

08-12-16, 20:09
It sounds very likely that you're suffering from separation anxiety. I experience this, too - intense anxiety and worry when the people I love are away, either travelling or somewhere where I can't reach them. Difficulty concentrating are quite common. Have you tried speaking to your family about how you feel. Hearing that they are safe and well will bring you some peace of mind. :)

Yes thank you Ana :hugs:

08-12-16, 20:13
No problem. I've been suffering it with for a decade and a half now, so I feel your plight lol. Hope you feel lots better, soon. :)

09-12-16, 14:18
Have you tried doing something more engaging than TV? It's a pretty passive activity, so I find it's easy for your thoughts to overrun what you're watching. Something where you're more actively involved like a puzzle or a game might help (my go-to is pokemon :))

09-12-16, 15:49
Tea is right. TV and reading are activities that are passive. Playing games might help a lot, as can doing something physical like housework or exercise.

09-12-16, 23:12
I agree with the above, TV is not very engaging and thoughts can wander. You need something that uses other senses and gets your mind working on something more mentally engaging.