View Full Version : Pregnant and petrified of blood results

08-12-16, 18:33
So I'm back after a while of feeling ok. I am 9 weeks pregnant so I guess it's hormonal as well but my old fears have returned with a vengeance and I don't know what to do.

I had my first set of routine bloods taken on Monday which triggered my old fear (HIV) and despite getting a negative result last year after 4 years of obsessing over it, I now feel as bad as I did before I got the test done. I keep doubting the results and thinking that the lab may have somehow made a mistake, and I am destined for a positive result in my prental bloods.

I also have started fearing Hep C as I have never been tested for this after a risky (oral) encounter 6 years ago.

I have to call my OB tomorrow to check if my results are back and I am shaking at the thought of it. I'm so scared she is going to tell me I have one or the other. I don't think I will be able to face calling her. .

Why can't I just trust that mistakes are not made with these types of tests? It's scary how real the thoughts feel and I can't visualise anything but the worse case scenario.

Please help! Has anyone else been in a similar position?

08-12-16, 21:50
Hep C is not easy to catch in my experience

09-12-16, 08:22
Hep C is not easy to catch in my experience

Thanks for your reply. Sure I understand it's not the easiest to catch but you know what it's like with this awful anxiety and any kind of small percentage of possibility etc.

My main struggle is believing my HIV test result by thinking there has been some kind of mistake made. I'm sure this almost never happens but as I know there is always a tiny chance due to human error or whatever, I fixate on that which is what gets me to the state I'm in now.

I am tempted to call the testing laboratory where I got the test and ask them if they've ever made a mistake.. But then I'm petrified of them saying, well..only a couple of times... :ohmy:

Today is the call with my OB t get the results - I don't think I can go through with it

10-12-16, 15:50
Hiv tests are so reliable. Xxx