View Full Version : Can anyone relate?

08-12-16, 20:16
So as you know from my posts I've been struggling with my stomach for a few months. Had blood tests done and nothing showed. I constantly wake up every morning thinking 'oh god not another day feeling like this. Literally (sorry tmi) I could wake up one morning and have diarreah and e next day be normal or the next day not be able to go. The word cancer haunts me day in day out. When I'm teaching the kids I constantly get rumbling, gassy sounds and the class always ask If I'm hungry as that's what the rumbling sounds like but it feels more like popping. This next ones for the ladies. I've got aches where my bra wire lies and I keep thinking it isn't the tightness of my bra but something more sinister. I'm feeling around and finding all sorts of bumps and stuff around rib area or USB that actually my ribs I'm feeling? Can your bra make you feel achy?

Sorry to ramble on.

09-12-16, 04:57
Have you tried some sort of dieting scheme to remove "known" foodstuff that may cause similar problems, like dairy products, skimmed milk introduced in various foodstuff etc.? (You probably need to see and discuss with a proper dietist before going ahead removing this and that from your diet.) (As for the bra try purchasing over the internet a bigger one and without the usual metal wires, remember you don't have to tell people your bra size... )

10-12-16, 11:09
Hi, I get all of this too, even they ache round bra line strangely enough. My gp has got me seeing a dietician to try and investigate. I am coeliac so can't eat gluten anyway and now am trying lactose free to see if it helps and if it doesn't then there's another group of foods to cut out and try which are difficult for our bodies to digest. Maybe you could mention to your dr about seeing a dietician and see I they can help you. My symptoms scare me all the time but I try to put think that obviously Drs know what signs to look for if it was something sinister and I am sure they know what there doing x