View Full Version : TMI Skin Concern

08-12-16, 23:15
Hello everyone. I have been doing pretty well with my health anxiety since I began taking anxiety meds, so I rarely post. However, I have a concern which is making me nervous, and I thought it might help to vent.

I must warn you that this is a TMI post which somewhat involves the manly bits!

Basically, I have had this small patch of skin on the crease between my right leg and the bits. I always use Gold Bond powder in the area, because sweating irritates a neuropathy I have in the groin.

The patch is white (may be from the powder) but not a lump, more like a rough patch just barely risen from the skin. I have been treating it with an anti-fungal powder for the past couple of weeks.

Today, I realized it's a bit more widespread than I had before. It goes around behind my bits, but not on them, and then up into the crease between the other leg. Everything still looks/feels the same as the patch I knew about.

Dad says he gets something like that all the time and he'd wait and see a bit. It's not easy for me to go to a specialist because I am disabled and Medicaid usually doesn't cover them.

Of course, like an idiot, the first thing I did was think skin cancer and rush to Doctor Google. The logical part of my mind knows skin cancer is unlikely when that part of me is never even in the sun, but the other part of my brain is telling the logical part to shut up and start panicking!

Am I perhaps overreacting a bit, and might I be safe continuing to use the anti-fungal and waiting a bit? Has anyone had something like this? It doesn't itch, burn, or hurt at all. There's nothing leaking or bleeding. So, I don't quite know whether to worry as much as I am or not.

Thanks for your advice, and so sorry about all of the TMI!

09-12-16, 09:05