View Full Version : Week 11 on an SSRI, running into a few problems.

09-12-16, 04:02
Hello, I fell into an extremely deep hole and was told to try 20mg paxil. I had the usual side effects, then it all started to kick in after 4 weeks. It took the edge off my depression and anxiety, I actually started to feel alright by week 7. However in week 8 I became very fatigued and a little depressed, so my doctor bumped me from 20 to 30mg in week 9. It helped a little, I was still fatigued. But for the last 3 days (mid week 11) it's all going sour. I have an ear ache, anxiety is back in constant small waves throughout the day, I feel hot, and very sleepy wanting to lie down often. It's not nice at all, I was just wondering what is other peoples experiences with anti-deppresants and what the problem could be. I was doing soo good. Would I need another increase? Is it no-longer working and I may have to try another SSRI? (I cant see the doctor for a few days)

12-12-16, 02:11
Hello, I fell into an extremely deep hole and was told to try 20mg paxil. I had the usual side effects, then it all started to kick in after 4 weeks. It took the edge off my depression and anxiety, I actually started to feel alright by week 7. However in week 8 I became very fatigued and a little depressed, so my doctor bumped me from 20 to 30mg in week 9. It helped a little, I was still fatigued. But for the last 3 days (mid week 11) it's all going sour. I have an ear ache, anxiety is back in constant small waves throughout the day, I feel hot, and very sleepy wanting to lie down often. It's not nice at all, I was just wondering what is other peoples experiences with anti-deppresants and what the problem could be. I was doing soo good. Would I need another increase? Is it no-longer working and I may have to try another SSRI? (I cant see the doctor for a few days)

I was put on Paxil a couple weeks ago, actually. It's heavy. Gives me serious side effects just at 20 mg. Ended up in the hospital the first night I decided to take a full pill. From what I understand it's a pretty hardcore medicine and I can relate to the idea that it doesn't necessarily treat anxiety all that well. You may wanna duke it out for a couple more weeks because some doctors say it takes longer for an SSRI to take full effect.

I've been off an on Paxil about 3 times already and let me tell you, I'm not entirely sure whether I feel better with or without it. First time I felt great, I didn't feel the effects right away, just sleepiness. Then on night 3 I felt so great I decided to take a full 20 mg pill. Bad idea. Woke up at 5 am, my heart was beating out of my chest, my eyes were dilated and I couldn't breathe. 2nd time I split the 20 mg between 3 hours. My heart was racing that night and I woke up the next morning with the absolute worst headache. Went off after that then went back on it again a couple days ago because it's the only antidepressant I have that makes my abdominal bloating go down. I spent another morning not being able to get out of bed.

I'm gonna try it for the last time now and see if it will help, but from what I heard, it really really sucks. Especially the withdrawal symptoms.
Try to stay on it for a little bit longer and if it's really killing you just ask your doc if you can switch to another SSRI.