View Full Version : Lingering Symptoms

09-12-16, 09:53
Hi all.

I've been struggling with worry since May and it has manifested itself in a variety of symptoms (headaches, dizziness, twitching, shaking etc) and have been worried throughout that something is wrong with me and causing it all. My main worries have been tumours, aneurysms, ALS.

However, recently I've been able to rationalise it all much better and have been feeling a lot better. My worry and Anxiety is at an all time low :yesyes:

However, I still have some things lingering. My head just doesnt feel "right". I can't say its a headache, just something feels off slightly. I also still have the shakes (shaking hands and teeth chattering) and they are constant.

Does Anxiety and Worry have a half life as such? In that I can stop worrying but the physical things stick around?


09-12-16, 10:14
Does Anxiety and Worry have a half life as such? In that I can stop worrying but the physical things stick around?


When you've been flooding your body with adrenalin and cortisol for long enough, it can take a long time for all the symptoms to disappear completely. This is why it's important to do regular relaxation techniques even when you feel almost back to 'normal'. You've got the thoughts under control and well done for that. Now you just have to be patient while your body gets back to normal.

09-12-16, 16:19
Thanks Nora,

Stands to reason that thats the case.

Just trying to stop my thoughts turning negative and start worrying again.

09-12-16, 16:44
NoraB is right... Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're really anxious, it's burning hot and bright. Even when the flames die down, there are still a bed of hot coals remaining. It takes a while for the coals to die down and in the mean time any little but of fuel can get the flames started again.

Positive thoughts