View Full Version : Fingernail pain

09-12-16, 18:22
Hi guys,

Since yesterday my index fingernail has been hurting and feels really sensitive, especially so if I blow onto it. It doesn't hurt so much when touching, but if I really push the fingernail down then it does hurt slightly.

I don't remember hitting my finger on anything, and it is just this nail, it also feels hotter than the rest and throbs now and then.

If I bend the finger the pain is dims somewhat.

Of course I googled like an idiot, and now it's saying it could be diabetic related, or even cardiovascular. It hasn't changed colour or swollen, so really baffled as to what it could possibly be..

09-12-16, 18:41
I can't say I ever heard of anyone complaining of fingernail pain before but I can't imagine this being sinister in any way whatsoever.

Positive thoughts

09-12-16, 19:07
I can't say I ever heard of anyone complaining of fingernail pain before but I can't imagine this being sinister in any way whatsoever.

Positive thoughts

yeah...it's like the nail bed (underneath the nail) that seems like it's hurting...absolutely no idea, I'm sure it is fine though.. lol

09-12-16, 19:10
I have a sore nail right now. It looks like it's slightly coming away from my finger at the very top as if I've knocked it. Don't recall knocking it but this is exactly what happens when I do so know it's probably that. With yours also throbbing I'd assume you've done the same. Never heard of such links.

15-12-16, 19:03
This pain still hasn't gone...and it's been a good week or more now..It seems like the pain has now radiated to my other 2 fingers (including index) and the best way I can describe the pain, is like a bone pain. It comes and goes, and I would rate the pain about 3/10. It doesn't hurt enough to stop what I'm doing, but it's definitely noticeable...

I'm wondering if it has anything to do with working in an office for 8hrs a day? bad posture perhaps, leading to forearm pushing against the desk? I don't know it's a bit of a long shot..Other than that though, I feel fine within myself. (other than an irritating cough I've had for 2 months since being ill)

I just really hope it's not the start of something serious, arthritis or CTS??(carpel tunnel syndrome) I don't really know. I'm trying my very best not to google anymore and worry about it and I think I've been fairly good, but over the last 3 weeks I feel as though HA is slowly coming back into my life after a good 2 years pretty much being HA free.

I just need some reassurance as I'm sure it's nothing and is something minor as cold weather, or even bad posture..:( thanks guys.

15-12-16, 19:16
well you're on the right track not using google.
have you considered reactive arthritis ? this is not a permanent condition, but can
take weeks to months to clear
carpel tunnel will take a few months typically unless it's chronic, which doesn't
seem to be your case

15-12-16, 19:20
well you're on the right track not using google.
have you considered reactive arthritis ? this is not a permanent condition, but can
take weeks to months to clear
carpel tunnel will take a few months typically unless it's chronic, which doesn't
seem to be your case

Well I'm so confused...because whenever I google these conditions, a lot of them say redness, swelling or something similar. My fingers look 100% normal and haven't changed, it's just the pain.

15-12-16, 19:26
when you get a list of symptoms on the internet, this doesn't mean you have to have all
of them to meet the criteria ,
different people present different symptoms
yours are definitely consistent with said conditions, but a quick physical examination from
your gp would shed better light.