View Full Version : How do I explain to a medical professional that retching is causing agoraphobia?

09-12-16, 18:42
Any time I tell them they look at me strange and say "How can that make you agoraphobic"

They tell me "people with terminal illness get around and you cant"
That's not what I want to hear to be honest... They might have a terminal illness but they might not be retching severely like I am!!!!!!!

09-12-16, 19:07
They actually tell you that? What a highly unprofessional thing to say. I'm not sure how to explain but it's best if you have an understanding GP. I know that some people with anxiety are scared to leave the house in case they have to run to the toilet etc, retching isn't too much different from that surely.

09-12-16, 19:16
They actually tell you that? What a highly unprofessional thing to say. I'm not sure how to explain but it's best if you have an understanding GP. I know that some people with anxiety are scared to leave the house in case they have to run to the toilet etc, retching isn't too much different from that surely.

The retching feels so wrong though. I WISH I had had endoscopy in 2014 and again in 2015 when I was offered it. I am considering requesting a referral and getting it through the nose.

09-12-16, 19:47
It's crazy to hear that a professional actually said that to you. I really doubt anyone with a terminal illness is going to feel better if you beat yourself up over anxiety. Is it possible for you to get an appointment with someone else at the practice? It might be caused by anxiety (I used to suffer pretty badly from nausea and vomiting caused by agoraphobia), but it never hurts to get a referral to check things out.

09-12-16, 19:54
It's crazy to hear that a professional actually said that to you. I really doubt anyone with a terminal illness is going to feel better if you beat yourself up over anxiety. Is it possible for you to get an appointment with someone else at the practice? It might be caused by anxiety (I used to suffer pretty badly from nausea and vomiting caused by agoraphobia), but it never hurts to get a referral to check things out.

How would the person who had a terminal illness know I had anxiety? I don't follow???

09-12-16, 20:15
How would the person who had a terminal illness know I had anxiety? I don't follow???

I just mean that this doctor trying to make you feel guilty that some people have things worse doesn't do anyone any good. That line of thinking doesn't make anyone feel better.

09-12-16, 20:30
You could send him a link to read some of your threads here or bring a tablet and let him just do a little reading. Your threads actually reveal quite a bit about your situation.

Positive thoughts

09-12-16, 21:04
You could send him a link to read some of your threads here or bring a tablet and let him just do a little reading. Your threads actually reveal quite a bit about your situation.

Positive thoughts

Hi FMP, when you say my threads reveal quite a bit about my situation what do you mean?

09-12-16, 21:10
Hi FMP, when you say my threads reveal quite a bit about my situation what do you mean?


They reveal the severity of your situation and anxiety, how long you've been suffering, the habits and behaviors that are contributing to it as well as the symptoms that it's causing. From an outside perspective, it's very apparent that you suffer from anxiety and perhaps some other manifestations of mental illness that are affecting your life in a very negative way.

If a doctor or psychiatrist were to read your post history, it would reveal things that could help them help you.

Positive thoughts

09-12-16, 21:12

They reveal the severity of your situation and anxiety, how long you've been suffering, the habits and behaviors that are contributing to it as well as the symptoms that it's causing. From an outside perspective, it's very apparent that you suffer from anxiety and perhaps some other manifestations of mental illness that are affecting your life in a very negative way.

If a doctor or psychiatrist were to read your post history, it would reveal things that could help them help you.

Positive thoughts

Thank you FMP! Hopefully one day I will get to the bottom of this :hugs:

09-12-16, 23:10
They actually tell you that? What a highly unprofessional thing to say. I'm not sure how to explain but it's best if you have an understanding GP. I know that some people with anxiety are scared to leave the house in case they have to run to the toilet etc, retching isn't too much different from that surely.

It's crazy to hear that a professional actually said that to you. I really doubt anyone with a terminal illness is going to feel better if you beat yourself up over anxiety. Is it possible for you to get an appointment with someone else at the practice? It might be caused by anxiety (I used to suffer pretty badly from nausea and vomiting caused by agoraphobia), but it never hurts to get a referral to check things out.

I think he means non medical people. It would take a serious amount of incompetence for a medical professional to not understand a fundamental principle of agoraphobia.

Calum - literally, you just tell them. They aren't going to compare to someone with a terminal illness since that's disrespectful to them too and a massive generalisation since you can live with terminal illness for > 5 years these days.

Write it down, bullet point stuff, really say how bad this makes you feel. By all means tell them about your concerns over your physical health BUT make sure you tell them the mental impact so they understand how this is affecting you now.

They've offered you meds in the past so I'm very sure they will be receptive to your anxiety.