View Full Version : Agoraphobia?

09-12-16, 18:51
Some questions please...
1. How long did yours last?
2. Was there a physical symptom causing yours or was it purely mental?
3. Did any medication help?
4. What triggered your agoraphobia?
5. How did you get around to hospital appointments?

Many Thanks :hugs:

09-12-16, 19:23
1. I've been suffering with panic/anxiety for 15 years. Agoraphobia has always been present, but has got worse since 2011.
2. Purely mental
3. Rivotril (though I've tried 8 other kinds of meds in the past). Escitalopram (20 mg) has reduced the severity of the attacks
4. No idea!
5. Not been to the hospital since it started (luckily)

09-12-16, 20:11
1. It started when I was a teenager, reached its worst point in my early twenties and then got mostly better by my mid twenties. Then it became an issue again in the last 2-3 years (getting easier every week though).

2. They kinda went hand in hand. Anxiety came first, then physical stuff, then anxiety about physical stuff (mostly nausea and vomiting).

3. Idk. I was on a few things, but I'm not sure any of them made a huge difference.

4. Maybe bullying. Years of being teased and talked down to made me assume that everyone on the street was thinking or saying the same thing. So I felt a bit like I was under siege in public.

5. My parents drove me,but I didn't have many (aside from psych appointments).

I hope that helps in some way! *hug*

10-12-16, 18:26
1. 20 years, still going on
2. Mental that caused physical symptoms. Nausea, diahorroea, sweating panic etc which continued the cycle
3. Valium when HAVING to go out ie dentist doctor. and until I became addicted.
Propranolol to reduce the anxiety before HAVING to attend doctors etc
4. Build up of stressful events causing extreme anxiety.
5. always had someone take me. Took Valium. Relaxation cd.