View Full Version : Sudden brief dizziness, head rush, and faint feeling

09-12-16, 19:13
Hi guys,

I sometimes get a split second feeling of dizzyness, feel slightly faint, and it comes with what feels like a head or adrenaline rush. It lasts seconds, can sometimes feel like I'm falling depending on what I'm doing.

There's no residual dizziness after. Just anxiety about worrying what happened, does anyone else get these?
Nothing really seems to make this worse. But it seems to mostly happen when I'm sitting on the sofa.

I also have a chest cough right now with a stuffy nose, I don't know if it's actually related to that because I've had the sensation before without colds.


09-12-16, 19:44
seems like a panic attack. have you been to the doctor for it?

09-12-16, 22:02
I have literally just had that now. Sat on the sofa and my stomach started gurgling (obviously just digesting tonight's dinner) when all of a sudden I felt dizzy and light headed and felt faint. Felt slightly sick with it too but the strangest sensation was at the top of my nose where my sinuses are it felt like I was on the verge of having a big nose bleeds. Felt all stuffy but nothing came out. Felt my left arm tingle and left side of face go quite tight. I am sure this is anxiety but was sat there doing and thinking nothing!

10-12-16, 03:25
Yes! I have exactly that. It happened today. Scared me so badly. Is it actually a panic attack? I feel sort of head rush and think I might pass out but I don't. Then I get an adrenaline rush because it scares me so bad. I feel off the rest of the day.

10-12-16, 13:20

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

12-12-16, 18:50
seems like a panic attack. have you been to the doctor for it?

Hi Devyn, I have a couple years ago. I wasn't in a panicked state when this happened though.

12-12-16, 18:53
Yes, I've had these (actually just this past week). They are some sort of head zap-- at least that's what I think they are.

13-12-16, 10:37
I get this frequently when my anxiety is bad, I think its just a mini panic attack. Certainly nothing to worry about. I've had them in all situations and learned just to take a deep breath, ignore the symptoms and let them pass.

Try not to get yourself into a situation where you are constantly anticipating the next one and they won't bother you too much.