View Full Version : New here- always concerned something is wrong- DRS are wrong

09-12-16, 19:35
Hi everyone. I am 41, male, 6'0 203 lbs and active. Nothing for me to walk 10 miles in a day. I do however suffer from general anxiety with occasional panic attacks.

I've ended up at the ER 2-3 times over I'd say 8 years because of what was likely a bad panic attack. This last time I got up and went to the bathroom and just had the worst feeling I've ever experienced- BP was 190/110 but I think it was a bad reaction to my first dose of an anti depressant, which I stopped right away.

I can usually just deal and get through them, easier when I am at home with my family. However if I'm traveling and alone in a hotel then I have a much harder time dealing with it. When I do have one they are nocturnal. So I'm sleeping and wake to already being in the throws of a panic attack. I have severe tremors and a feeling that I am dying. Is it a heart attack? I can't breathe, etc.

I was very concerned about my heart so in the last 6 months I've had multiple EKG'a full blood work up (total cholesterol is 155 and everything else in range) stress test with ekg monitor (doctor said once a year he may see someone who does as good as I did) and also had an echocardiogram done (no issues found)

So I've had a pretty good work up, doctor said go run a marathon you are healthier than 80-90% of people your age. Cardiologist said not to worry. But yet I am constantly worrying. I think, maybe I have MS?

I'm constantly running a self diagnostic scan in my head of any sensation in my body wondering if something's wrong.

Do you all experience anything like this? With all my testing I should have piece of mind but I don't . I'd love to hear from you!

09-12-16, 19:41
Hiya AlwaysOnEdge and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

09-12-16, 20:09
Thank you Venus

11-12-16, 17:45
You've done the right thing by having a full work-up; I for one would love to have a real, tangible biological/biomechanical reason for feeling bad. Fix that and you've fixed the problem. But sadly not to be and with anxiety, until you're over the hump, the cure's worse than the disease.

I don't suppose you'd take your doctor up on the marathon suggestion? Physical activity really really helps, as good as meds in some situations. It might get you out of the house, get you active, give you a goal and as you increase the range of your run, push you into places you'd otherwise not consider going.

It may also help with the self-diagnostics thing.. I try to push myself on my bike to the point where I'm sweating, sick and shaking and can barely stand up.. and part of me realises "this is just like how I felt when I was freaking out". Basically just trying to get some exercise, but ultimately ending up with the same uncomfortable body sensation BUT on my own terms. Leaving me with the hope I've been productive and the sensations are nothing to worry about.

11-12-16, 19:28
Hi, I agree- "we've found this to be all your problems, take this pill for 3 days and your cured"

I am actually pretty active, I can walk anywhere from 5-10 miles a day. I'm just always making a leap as to what things could be

11-12-16, 21:30
Hi, have you looked into CBT? It can help you identify thoughts which trigger "what if.." thinking and stop them before you disappear down the rabbit hole. It also helps promote a series of activities leaving you with figuring out "alternative thoughts". I.e., ones which are more likely explanations than you've suddenly acquired lupus (according to House, it's never lupus).

11-12-16, 21:51
Loved House! I am currently seeing a CBT but it seems all we do is talk and no real direction to anything. I know nothing ever ultimately happens and should take some peace in that and all the tests I've had. I feel like I have so much to lose if something would ever happen which weighs on me too. One young child and one on the way. So that in itself is probably why things have ramped up for me.

13-12-16, 14:31
Hi, I recently just developed anxiety due to a stomach condition, every time i feel acid reflux i get anxiety and have been to the ER twice and called and ambulance once on my way home from work. I get what you are saying when you talked about the feeling you have when you wake up. As soon as i do, I am constantly checking my palms to see if they're sweating and i take my medication (Protonix) for my stomach. Lately, I been doing mindful meditation and it has been helping a lot. It was extremelly difficult at the beginning, but I began attending meditation groups and doing it for at least 3-5 a day, even when my body did not want to. It's only been a couple of weeks but it has been helping with my morning routine. I recommend perhaps you check into it.

Good luck and best wishes!

14-12-16, 01:49
Hi, thanks for the reply. I have acid reflux and a hiatal hernia and of course symptoms of both can mimic heart issues- which obviously creates high anxiety.

I have Amazon prime and other SmartTv apps so I thought about finding some videos on there that I could follow along with for muscle relaxation and maybe even Yoga. I wish you all the best in your journey!