View Full Version : Spiralling worry

09-12-16, 23:46
Hi, my worrying is spiraling out of control. I worry about just about anything, I feel like I am losing my mind. CBT and medication hasn't helped. Any advice very welcome.

10-12-16, 09:10
Hi Brilton,

And welcome to NMP, though you may not feel it's such a great time.

Spiralling worry with multiple sources is what GAD is all about.

My one small insight is that it is not the worries that are causing the anxiety, but rather it is the anxiety finding lots of things to worry about.

You don't say what medication you have been on, but I found pregabalin was very helpful for me.

Good luck and my best wishes to you.

10-12-16, 09:25
What are some of the things you worry about? Have you tried rationalising your worries or fears or telling your friends about them?

10-12-16, 16:34
Hi, thank you for the replies.

Hanshan, I have been on Mirtazapine in the past. It helped a little but the side effects were not the best. I don't know much about Pregabalin, is it worth talking to my Dr or do you have to be referred?

Ana, the crazy thing is with my worries I know they are irrational and at times I gain control of them. They just have a habit of winning. Feels like I am in a battle with myself. Being male it isn't that easy talking to my mates about anxiety. They are all quite care free and unphased by anything. I have talked before and was told not to worry. Simple advice but very difficult for me to achieve. I guess it is hard to understand anxiety if you don't suffer from it.

10-12-16, 17:13
I completely understand where you're coming from. Male or female, I believe we've all got the same 'stigma'. It's taken me 15 years to finally open up to two of my friends! It was the single most difficult thing I'd ever done in my life. Hands down. I'd never before struggled with finding the right words. Perhaps you could try and see if you could find one good friend who you trust and who you know would be able to understand you. You don't have to go around telling all of your mates about how you feel. I bet you, though, they aren't as laid-back as they appear to be. Nobody ever is. :)

I also can't seem to be able to gain control over my worries and thoughts, however irrational they might be. Therapy and talking to the people I care about are the only things that help me cope. Otherwise, I'd make myself sick with all the thinking that's in itself very unproductive...

11-12-16, 07:43
Hi Brilton,

Pregabalin is an NHS approved medication for generalised anxiety. GPs can prescribe it, particularly if an AD has been unsuitable. It's worth talking to your GP about it, but not all GPs prescribe it. You can read some of the threads in the Pregabalin section of the Medications part of NMP - it will give you good background to issues involved.

11-12-16, 23:24
Hi Ana, It is tough talking about it. I think some of my closer mates probably already know. Just by the way I act. I really can't hide it some times. Hopefully using the forums and chat rooms here will help while I try and figure out what to say. Need to be brave :) Thank you.

---------- Post added at 23:24 ---------- Previous post was at 23:20 ----------

Hi Hanshan, looking around I have have read some positive stuff about Pregabalin. People do seem worried about weight gain but I figure it couldn't be any worse than Mirtazapine from that point of view. I am due a review in the next few weeks so I will mention it to my Dr. Nothing to lose. Thanks

12-12-16, 01:32
Mirtazapine is definitely high on the list for potential weight gain - probably more so than pregabalin. I'm taking both, but I've successfully managed to lose weight (a year or two back). I've yo-yo'd a bit since then, but I know I can keep it down so long as I keep a good track of calories each day. Good luck!

12-12-16, 13:18
I'm sure you'll find the forum very useful, and I hope you manage to also speak to your friends about it. They might suspect something, but if you decide you do want to tell them, having an insight into what goes on in your mind will only strengthen the relationship.

15-12-16, 17:55
Hi, I gained a few kilos while on Mirtazapine. Looking back it my food choices were not great which wouldn't have helped. Thank you:)