View Full Version : can't think straight

10-12-16, 02:48
Can anxiety cause you to feel like you can't comprehend what your reading and writing? I'm scared I'm suffering from cognitive problems due to a brain tumor. I don't know if it's due to anxiety or something more sinister. I'm also having short term memory problems. I feel like I can't think straight.

10-12-16, 03:07
Hi Jesse,

My wife is currently suffering/recovering from NMDA Receptor Autoimmune Encephalitis. The damage this has caused is reflected in the real cognitive deficits she's suffering from.

Literally, she could not get on the computer and write what you just did! She cannot solve simple crossword puzzles or tell you what she had for lunch today. She can't even write the alphabet without missing a few letters! She actually has a tumor on her thymus gland!

So no, you don't have a brain tumor or any other tumor for that matter. You have anxiety disorder for which you can get treatment and overcome. My wife isn't so fortunate!

Positive thoughts

10-12-16, 03:11
Thanks fish it means a lot for the reply.

10-12-16, 05:07
I can't concentrate when I'm feeling anxious. I can read the same line over and over and still not know what I'm reading. My memory too is shot and it's a struggle to remember everyday words :weep: Goes with anxiety I'm afriad. Plus with me it's age too :mad::mad:

10-12-16, 13:19

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

11-12-16, 21:18
So I woke up today in a fever with extreme nausea I'm completely in full blown panic mode. The fever was low grade but I'm still extremely concerned.