View Full Version : home alone with stomach flu

10-12-16, 21:15
This is more a post just of me whining. I woke up this morning at 5 AM with horrid stomach cramps and have been vomiting, having the runs, and unable to really do anything since. My husband is away on business until tomorrow and my family is about an hour and a half away at a family gathering right now. So I was stupid and tried to drive down the street to get some gatorade or ginger ale and threw up on the side of the road ... didn't even make it a block away! People probably thought I was hungover, as it was 9 AM on a Saturday morning.

So right now I am just laying around. If I get up and walk around, I throw up. I tried to drink some water and only had diet coke for something bubbly, but threw that up too. But I feel so thirsty/dehydrated.

I also feel bad because my dog has gotten no exercise. I tried to let her outside and yep - threw up when I was out with her. So I just walked her out to potty and back in. But that's probably the least of my worries right now.

Any tips on things I can do to get fluids without throwing them up? I haven't had a stomach virus like this since I was a kid, but I work at a hospital so I guess it's about time...

---------- Post added at 16:15 ---------- Previous post was at 12:41 ----------

Oh man, this is getting worse. I haven't thrown up in a couple hours (because I haven't moved) but now have a fever and body hurting so badly. I'm a bit nervous to take something for fear of barfing it up. Any tips? Only thing I've been doing is ice chips..

11-12-16, 05:33
Eugh, sounds pretty horrible!

Don't worry about your dog, as long as he can eat, drink and go to the toilet he will be fine for a day or two. These things happen. Most likely, being a dog, he is fussing around you because he knows you aren't well.

I really wouldn't bother going out right now, you need to rest up. As long as you have things at home, other things can wait.

Take very small sips of water. If you are that sick that you can't hold water down, your stomach is far too sensitive for anything right now and it's best to try to ride it out. No stress on your body, just lying around and relaxing & sleeping. Your body will do the rest.

If you can't tolerate any water right now, I would wait and see if this changes. Whilst you will get a bit dehydrated, your body may be telling you it doesn't want anything right now. You might then find it becomes possible a few hours on, or a day on.

If it goes on for days, you could try some rehydration salts because the runs & lack of refreshment will cause your body salt to drop. You should be able to get these from a pharmacy and probably a supermarket. But you need to drink them so hopefully you will be able to drink again soon.

My mum had a bug like this and she couldn't drink water most of the first day. It improved a bit after then and she could but eating wasn't something she could do beyond a few mouthfuls of something light. The advice she has always given when we were growing up is the little and often stuff, eat light things and build up. So, the first day might be a few plain biscuits here & there once the worst of the vomiting has passed, day two may be onto soups, day 3+ might be adding in toast. Whatever gets a little of something.

I hope you feel better soon.

11-12-16, 13:10
Thanks, Terry. It was a long day... My father dropped some ginger ale, gatorade, and crackers off on my front step. Today I am starting to feel a bit better, hopefully it was just a 24 hour nightmare. Just going to take it easy today with crackers and fluids. Hope I don't pass this on to my husband when he gets home ...

11-12-16, 13:47
It sounds like it could be the norovirus-you poor thing. Terry has given you some excellent advice-just rest up and definitely don't go out. It's highly contagious so you must stay at home until 48 hours have passed since you were last sick/had diarrhoea.

I hope you feel better really soon but this can drag on for a quite a few days unfortunately xx

11-12-16, 14:39
Oh wow, I wonder if I should go to work tomorrow or not. Haven't thrown up today luckily.

Thanks Pulisa. I think I am coming out on the other side hopefully.

11-12-16, 15:17
Glad you're feeling better! That bug has been making the rounds around here too. It's been mostly a nasty 24 hour vomirrhea bug.

Positive thoughts

12-12-16, 05:57
How are you feeling now? Hopefully it was just a 24 hour bug (a nasty sounding one).

Has it been going around at work? My mum used to always work in schools so when one brought it in, it spread and the teachers would often get it too.

Norovirus is very unpleasant. My GF had it a few years back and she said it would make the ultimate diet (the Noro-diet) as she lost over a stone the first week. I think she lost 2 overall. A lot of it's always water though so you soon bounce back.

It sounds like your dad is of the same school as my mum. I guess when you've brought up kids you've had plenty of training for all this stuff. Really nice of him to travel over to help out, just part of being your dad to him though I'm sure.

I don't know about the contagion issue, I would be going with pulisa's knowledge, but I would play it by ear with any bug as you may be too wiped out and need an extra day to relax.

12-12-16, 09:28
Hope you are feeling a lot better.x:)


12-12-16, 20:38
Thanks, guys! I am feeling much better today. Must have been a 24 hour (give or take) thing. So now just hoping my husband can avoid it before his next work trip.

I went to work for half a day today. It ended up being too much for the whole day so came home and slept. Been able to eat some soup, basic things so far. So I am on the mend.

It easily could have been from work. My clients come in sick all the time and my office is small with no air flow. So I'm willing to bet it was a client.

Thanks everybody for your help and kind words :)