View Full Version : Constant headache and unequal pupils

10-12-16, 19:21

Ive had what I thought was a sinus headache for the pat 3 weeks, painful eyes, pressure at top of nose and a headache.

A couple of days ago, the headache changed - it is now a throbbing one in my temple and sometimes the top of my head.

Ive also noticed my left pupil is bigger than my right one, or my right one is smaller than my left.

Any ideas?


10-12-16, 20:34
I've allways had one pupil bigger than the other not massively but bigger.
some days it looks more uneven than others, if you're thinking you have a ( blown pupil )
they are more like one like a dot and the other quite full. that would be worth a trip to a&e just to be sure .but if it's not a massive difference I wouldn't worry too much. blown pupils are a result of traumatic brain injury. like getting hit in the head with a hammer. something along them lines.

11-12-16, 09:16
do you get a feeling of pressure between eyes on bridge of nose

11-12-16, 10:41

My pupil isnt blown, its just larger than the other.

My headache has changed from a "sinus" one, to a throbbing one.

Im worried it may be an anyresum (sp).


11-12-16, 12:33
the problem is, with our condition we jump straight to the
scariest problem we can associate our symptoms with.
usually with no rationale.
have you considered cluster headaches?
they can last for weeks and they're not as rare as aneurysms

11-12-16, 12:37

I have been "googling" and yes, that did come up.

Im just concerned as my headache has changed.


11-12-16, 16:14
Have you looked at NDPH

11-12-16, 17:02
ahh. good old google
you know that's the worst source of information you can access right?
you shouldn't give google a moment of your time when it come to health diagnostics
I bet it wasn't a peer reviewed published scientific journal you was reading was it ?
cluster headaches change to different parts of the head often, lots and lots of water
and a quite dark room might be worth a try.

11-12-16, 20:20
Hi guys

I ended up in A&E this afternoon.

Went out and felt "popping" in my head :blush:

Im totally freaked out now as I have to see my GP tomorrow and ask to be referred for an urgent CT.

The doc looked in my eyes, checked my pupils and gave me a neurological exam and then checked with his superior.

As they said my headache has been going on so long now and they dont know why, I need a CT scan.

Im really crapping myself.

There was even talk of a lumbar puncture!

He said if I did have a brain tumour, then it would show on the optic disc????

Im so worried.


11-12-16, 21:08
hey, I know this is a very worrying time for you
but please don't make the mistake of thinking that doctors investigating
your symptoms automatically means it's something bad.
this is how things are ruled out. they have to just to be sure.
did they tell you how they would detect a brain tumour because you asked if you might have one ? I would take being discharged as a very positive sign.
they could easily arrange an emergency ct tonight without referral if the thought it was necessary.
i appreciate how scared you must feel, but try not to let your mind run away with this.
the doctors actions sound pretty routine. let's see what gp says xx

11-12-16, 21:18
Hi Stecakes

Thanks again for replying.

He said they would see intercranial pressure through the eyes. My cranial nerves and neuro exam were ok too.

Im just so worried as Ive read my discharge letter and it says to refer for an urgent scan.

I must say, my headache is gone but I can here my heart beat in my head.


13-12-16, 13:44
glad to hear tests are are all good
medical staff use the word urgent just as a timeframe reference
just means sooner rather than later. if they felt the situation was urgent
they wouldn't refer, they'd do emergency scan
your headaches have calmed, hearing heartbeat is 100% anxiety you should draw
a line under this now.
you're healthy, :)

13-12-16, 14:07

Thank you again. I really appreciate your constant help. :hugs:

How are you doing?

Sorry, Ive been so wrapped up in myself, I forgot to ask about you.

How rude of me. :blush:


13-12-16, 17:53
you're more than welcome, and I'm good at the moment, thanks for asking
it's not rude. you've been through hell.