View Full Version : Occipital Lymph Node

10-12-16, 21:26
Hello all,

I've made several posts about lymph nodes because like many others on here, I obsess about mine and I am afraid I have lymphoma. I have a few lymph nodes in my lower cervical area and near my collarbones that are painless and have been there for nearly two years since I first noticed them. Doctors have looked at them and told me they were fine. Of course, that is difficult for me to accept because the internet says painless lymph nodes near the collarbone are always cancerous.

About five days I go, I woke up with a painful bump on the lower left side of the back of my head. It's an occipital lymph node. It feels hard and does not move. The actual bump itself did not hurt, but the area around it was achy. After the first day, the lymph node was no longer painful. Five days later, the lymph node is still there, and I don't feel sick or anything. With already being so concerned over my other lymph nodes, you can imagine how scared this made me. In my mind, i'm just imagining the cancer spreading to my other lymph nodes and getting worse. I'm trying to give it time to go away and refrain from touching it, but it is hard.

I didn't see many other posts on here about occipital lymph nodes specifically, so I thought i'd start a thread for people who have experienced this or just want to talk about lymphoma fears. Any words of reassurance would be so greatly appreciated.

12-12-16, 00:14
Continue to pester your doctor, but try not to worry about it. If the lymph nodes grow, I would say demand a blood test or ultrasound. Don't stress, because stressimg causes physical symptoms which will make your anxiety escalate.