View Full Version : Having a very anxious night

10-12-16, 22:12
Hey guys,

I'm having a very bad night with anxiety and thought I would come talk about it here, I'm usually pretty good and I get anxiety in phases. But tonight it's bad!
We had our company christmas party tonight. And I was fine all day, until in the afternoon I was watching TV, feeling very chill, and I got an anxiety attack out of nowhere! That kept my anxiety at a high for the rest of the night. I had to get ready, pick up my colleague, and then eat and talk all night to colleagues. And I didn't have a quiet moment where I could calm down.
My heart rate has been really high all night, and every time I even exert myself a little bit I get skipped beats. I also get this weird thing where every time I exhale, my wind pipe feels like it's being squeezed and I have the need to cough.
I got dizzy spells all through the night and I feel nauseous now and then. So I left the party around 10pm. I didn't eat any of the food and I just felt like I couldn't deal with it.

I give reassurance to other people here all the time that it won't harm you. And while I still believe that, I've never had so many things happen to me at the same time. I'm just freaking out a bit.
Especially the windpipe being squeezed thing, that's fairly new!

Rant over!
Thanks for reading and I hope some of you can reply and maybe offer me some reassurance in return.

---------- Post added at 22:12 ---------- Previous post was at 22:09 ----------

Also, while I was sitting outside on a couch with one of my colleagues who tried to distract me, my voice started going. Like some words came out as a whisper.
What causes that? I've never had that before and I'm definitely not fighting a cold.

11-12-16, 02:20
the voice thing can be caused by adrenaline,
it happens to singers when they get nervous on stage, I suppose it's like a mini panic attack

11-12-16, 13:23
Really? Interesting, thanks for letting me know!
It stopped happening after I went home and calmed down, so I guess that makes sense.