View Full Version : Something is bothering me

11-12-16, 03:40
for a while, something has been bothering me. i will try to keep this short. ive been dealing with mental tension.

for a while, ive been dealing with severe anxiety. but it has gone down. but whenever one problem goes away, something else will come up to bother me. it feels like an endless cycle. im always worried about the future.

i just need advice on how to overcome this feeling. how do you get over something that is bothering you?

11-12-16, 08:48
I've got the same issue myself. It seems like there is always something to worry about and to be tense over. My personal opinion is that people with anxiety tend to worry about the things that people without anxiety may not worry about. We are overly sensitive to everything.
I'd say that a good way of getting over something that's bothering you is trying your best to resolve it (talking about it with family/friends/therapist, being proactive in working towards a solution, etc.) and then just relaxing in the knowledge that you've done everything you could have done, and that whatever happens, happens. Things have a way of working out for the best anyway. :)

11-12-16, 09:59
This is me also. I could do with a brain reset.

11-12-16, 21:34
I've got the same issue myself. It seems like there is always something to worry about and to be tense over. My personal opinion is that people with anxiety tend to worry about the things that people without anxiety may not worry about. We are overly sensitive to everything.
I'd say that a good way of getting over something that's bothering you is trying your best to resolve it (talking about it with family/friends/therapist, being proactive in working towards a solution, etc.) and then just relaxing in the knowledge that you've done everything you could have done, and that whatever happens, happens. Things have a way of working out for the best anyway. :)

Thank you so much for responding. I was waiting for a response to this exact problem. I forgot to mention that I have a hard time living in the present.

But, your response was somewhat helpful. It feels good to know that I have someone that I can relate to. You said something that really hit the nail on the head.

"My personal opinion is that people with anxiety tend to worry about the things that people without anxiety may not worry about. We are overly sensitive to everything."

Thank you so much for responding.

12-12-16, 13:46
I also struggle with the same issue. I live in the future because I fear it so much. I do believe that us anxiety-sufferers are much more prone to worry and stress over every day things.

12-12-16, 14:30
This is what I do:

The future beyond a certain point is wildly unpredictable. So there is no point wasting mental energy thinking about it.

Instead, I focus on a much shorter time period. Today and tomorrow. Anything beyond that is just subject to too many variables.

Focus on getting the best out of today, and the rest takes care of itself.

"The future" never happens. So why worry about it?

12-12-16, 14:33
This is what I do:

The future beyond a certain point is wildly unpredictable. So there is no point wasting mental energy thinking about it.

Instead, I focus on a much shorter time period. Today and tomorrow. Anything beyond that is just subject to too many variables.

Focus on getting the best out of today, and the rest takes care of itself.

"The future" never happens. So why worry about it?

Great advice SLA.

17-12-16, 16:18
This is what I do:

The future beyond a certain point is wildly unpredictable. So there is no point wasting mental energy thinking about it.

Instead, I focus on a much shorter time period. Today and tomorrow. Anything beyond that is just subject to too many variables.

Focus on getting the best out of today, and the rest takes care of itself.

"The future" never happens. So why worry about it?

I like that way of thinking so thanks for that 👍