View Full Version : Worrying about groin / sweating

11-12-16, 22:35
I posted the other day about my groin 'lymph node ' fears. My boyfriend has felt it and says he's certain it's a spot. I'm not convinced. I've also started thinking about night sweats, I've had them every now and again for years. Not drenched bed but like a sweaty chest and I'll have to get changed. It only happens once in a while, never really thought much about it. The fact I've had these 'sweats' for a long time should mean it's not a sign of something sinister shouldn't it? I don't have any other symptoms and I don't want to Google, but I'm just connecting those two symptoms and getting into a state. Like I said, if I've had them in the past I'm ok aren't I? And the groin thing, whatever it is I can feel isn't very big, just like few grains of rice side by side. Plus I have squeezed it but I'm just wondering why it wont just go away after its been squeezed.
Sorry for the rant I'm just trying to keep rational

11-12-16, 23:42
lymph nodes don't present on the surface like spots, no matter what. they're deep under the tissue and not squeezable like a spot. pee sized is generally a nice normal size.
have you considered sweat gland or in grown hair maybe?
as for the night sweats everyone has this at some point, especially if you suffer anxiety
real night sweats require the bedding to be changed, sometimes the mattress
hope this helps

12-12-16, 00:01
Thanks stecakes.
It did come up originally as a red/purpley colour, then I squeezed and played with it. I can't remember if it was bigger before. There was no hair though, just pus and watery/oily stuff? Sorry for that overshare. But there was lots of the watery stuff and I went to bed that night feeling quite happy, I thought a)you couldn't squeeze a node/cancerous lump and b)it'll go down now you've squeezed it. But it hasn't, it's still red and I can feel a hard long spot thing.
Could you 'pick up' a lymph node? Like lift it fully up and squish it a bit? Cos whatever this is I can like pick it up if that makes sense, it doesn't feel attached to anything.
Thank you so much for replying x

12-12-16, 00:14
just to add
prodding at lymph nodes isn't really a good idea. it won't cause any life threatening illness
but it might become inflamed and cause you pain.

---------- Post added at 00:14 ---------- Previous post was at 00:02 ----------

if you have an infection nodes can raise slightly. these are reactive nodes and that's their job. and you can move them about to a degree. but you certainly can't squeeze pus or fluid out of one. cancerous nodes as in lymphoma show themselves by growing and growing they don't turn red or any other colour.
I think at worst you have a spot / boil that happens to be in the same place as your node
I really wouldn't worry at this point though.

12-12-16, 00:20
Please LF... they're pimples/boils/cysts and that's it. I'm not a doctor but this is painfully obvious and your fears and worries are totally unfounded, irrational and self-inflicted!

Positive thoughts

12-12-16, 00:30
Ok, that's really helpful, thank you.
I'm gonna try not to touch it for a few days and then see what it's like. My bf wants me to just go to the docs tomorrow to put my mind at rest (and to stop me asking him!) but I don't want to get back into the habit of rushing straight to the doctors. A few years ago I was going 2-3 times a week. I'm also a bit scared she sends me for tests (something my bf is again certain she won't), but I keep thinking of scary scenarios.
So if it couldn't be squeezed I should assume it's just a nasty spot and not a node? I have another one further along which isn't the groin and can see the hair inside it. Feels exactly the same but not bothered about it cos there's no nodes there, that should reassure in terms of how hard/big these spots can be but it doesn't :( x

---------- Post added at 00:30 ---------- Previous post was at 00:26 ----------

Fishman, I know, you're right. I'm being ridiculous and in a horrendous spiral. I honestly don't know how I've gone from pretty much beating HA back to this.
Very disappointed in myself.
As always, thank you for replying