View Full Version : Inner Ear and Anxiety Breakdown

08-04-07, 21:26
I have had severe dizziness and vertigo for several weeks and the doctors tell me that it goes into the part of the brain that causes anxiety. I am really sick and coming apart.

I don't know how much I have worked myself up and how much it is the inner ear. I have not slept any in three nights, walking and pacing all day and going nuts.

Has anyone else worked themselves up this far before. I can't take drugs (tried them all and had bad reactions).

I am dying inside - any ideas...PLEASE!!


08-04-07, 21:42
Hi Rik

So are they saying it is an ear infection or anxiety?

08-04-07, 21:49
hi rik,

last year i had what my doc called a middle ear infection. i had severe dizziness-especially when i lyed on one side. it took about 4 weeks to go away. i wasnt given any medication for it, because there isnt much they can do. i was however given stemitil-which helped greatly to calm the dizziness. like you, i dont like meds either, so didnt take it much cause i wanted to know when the dizziness would go. sadley, my dizziness has kinda stayed around ever since. not nearly as bad as it was when i was ill last year. i hope this helps you a little.
its definatly nothign to worry about.

09-04-07, 08:16
I have also had an inner ear infection that then turned into vertigo and I have to say at the time it was very unpleasant indeed.
My doctor did give me some medication called “betahistamin” (sorry that’s not how you spell it but close enough. And they were a god send.
The feeling was horrendous and it did make my anxiety worse at the time, there are also exercises that can be done to retrain the balance and they do help a lot. Rest assured it will pass but does take time.


09-04-07, 11:47
Hi there Rik

I can completely relate to this! During january i developed an innner ear viral thing which made me become extremely dizzy and i was having these 'warped' feelings. It made me have massive panic attacks to the point where i went to A&E cause i felt like i was seriousely ill. Doctor confirmed it was most likely just an inner ear viral thing and that it can last for months.

I had it for about 7 weeks but it has left me quite anxious since. I hadn't suffered with panic attacks for three years until this dizzyness thing came along and i haven't quite recovered since. So try not to worry as these things can last a while but be reassured that it only an inner ear problem.

Take care x :)

fed up with it
12-04-07, 10:24
I too had an inner infection about 2 years ago, i could'nt get up for 6 weeks, it was awful, i still have anxiety related to the dizziness. So i know how you are feeling. I still doubt mine as i was never sick with it (vomiting) but apparantely you don't need to. take care.

22-02-09, 14:04

I am wondering if you are still a part of this site. You have the symptoms my mom has been suffering and I am trying to find out if there is a disease that causes this or it is just anxiety. Did you ever get some help with your symptoms?


23-02-09, 03:40
I started with ear problems a couple of years ago and got worked up into one hell of a state. It was that that finally triggered me going to the doctor and say I need help. I couldn't stop bursting into tears, couldn't concentrate on anything because I was so worried about my ears, balance, dizziness.

In my case, it wasn't the sort of dizziness that makes the room spin....it was a dizziness that caused a seasickness feeling and a feeling of being off-balance. For me, it turned out to be Chronic Rhinitis, which isn't as bad as it sounds and it can be managed with over the counter drugs. But at the time, I thought I had god knows what.

The ears are such a sensitive part of the body that anxiety really can affect them.

And as for getting worked up about symptoms...well, it's 3.30am and I'm on here so....yep. :unsure: