View Full Version : Anxiety Zone.. ?

12-12-16, 04:19
I know many of us read and post on both these message boards.

I haven't been able to get on all evening is anyone else having the same problem?

12-12-16, 11:31
I know they have been having issues lately. The registration has been disabled for a while. I think I read that there are no more active moderators. Communications broke down between the moderators and the owner.

I have visited that forum often during my episodes and finally tried to register and couldn't.

There was a member "sixpack" whose posts helped me tremendously. I hope it is just temporary and is up again soon!

12-12-16, 13:02
Thank you, I had no idea there were any issues. I hope it's back up soon.

bin tenn
12-12-16, 13:12
Chances are it's gone for good. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised.

12-12-16, 13:32
Which site do you prefer? Does one fill in gaps for the other?

Just wondering because as far as the reassurance and obsessing over reading about health worries, being on multiple forums seems like a problem to me.

12-12-16, 13:41
Chances are it's gone for good. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised.

Wow, that would be a shame, no warning and so many members there desperately looking for support.

---------- Post added at 08:41 ---------- Previous post was at 08:32 ----------

Which site do you prefer? Does one fill in gaps for the other?

Just wondering because as far as the reassurance and obsessing over reading about health worries, being on multiple forums seems like a problem to me.

For me personally, I am not one to post duplicate posts, that's something that's something that has annoyed me slightly. I will be reading a thread I know I responded to and.. don't see my response. Where did it go??? Oh.. it's on the other board, this person posted the exact same thing on both.

I like both boards, there are stories I've been following on both. Still hoping to get an update even in PM from a poor soul with terrible ALS anxiety. If AZ is gone for good, it will never happen.

In short, while the temperament is different, I see value and enjoy both fairly equally.

12-12-16, 15:12

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

12-12-16, 18:48
Get ready for an influx of new members! :winks:

Positive thoughts

12-12-16, 19:05
I understand moving it.. but what 'sub-forum' might that be?

I could only find this by searching my posts.

12-12-16, 19:35
its in the misc part of the forum nancy

12-12-16, 19:47
Thank you Elen :-)

12-12-16, 20:22
If you look at the top under the menu bar it tells you which forum you are in:


12-12-16, 20:37
lol Nic, I wasnt clever enough to show that

12-12-16, 21:14
But... that didn't tell me or anyone else where you moved it in your initial post.

Easy to add... "we moved you post to the sub-forum misc."


12-12-16, 21:35
Which site do you prefer? Does one fill in gaps for the other?

Just wondering because as far as the reassurance and obsessing over reading about health worries, being on multiple forums seems like a problem to me.

I was never a member over there, but a "guest". I found quite a few posts by a couple members over there that were very helpful not in "symptom reassurance", but in explaining how health anxiety works within our minds. I actually printed out a few posts and read them when I am in panic mode. It helped my logical mind take the lead. One of the members is also over here, but I don't think the other is. Seriously, some of those hero members could write books!

It's sad if all of that is lost.

12-12-16, 22:14
I agree, it's sad if all is lost.

13-12-16, 20:28
It would have been nice if the owner had posted an announcement that the site would be taken down. It seems like there were many people that relied on each other for support...already in a very vulnerable state. Anyone know if they had a facebook page or group elsewhere? I know there is a twitter that isn't very active.

14-12-16, 17:48
But... that didn't tell me or anyone else where you moved it in your initial post.

Easy to add... "we moved you post to the sub-forum misc."


It is a canned reply so I don't have to type it up each time :yesyes:

14-12-16, 19:18
It would have been nice if the owner had posted an announcement that the site would be taken down. It seems like there were many people that relied on each other for support...already in a very vulnerable state. Anyone know if they had a facebook page or group elsewhere? I know there is a twitter that isn't very active.

I agree. We should've been notified in advance. I really relied on that place for validity and reassurance. At least I can still view old posts on google by looking at the cached pages.

14-12-16, 20:33
I agree. We should've been notified in advance. I really relied on that place for validity and reassurance. At least I can still view old posts on google by looking at the cached pages.

I did the same thing yesterday. Found some old posts still stored in my cache and printed them out. "pan" and "sixpack" were so helpful in my struggles.

14-12-16, 22:21
AnxietyZone refugee here... also agreeing that it's so sad how sudden this was. I hope some peeps migrate here soon! :blush:

14-12-16, 22:29
Welcome all.

Having been on other forums where the plug was pulled, and having to pull the plug myself, I know how you feel.

Donate to Nicola. She's a star.

14-12-16, 23:59
I was shocked the day I tried to go on and AZ had shut down. I was grieving a little even. I had heard that the site was not accepting new registrations and I asked Insights (Ian) about it and he felt that it's days were numbered. Said the owner hadn't been able to be reached for quite awhile. What a shame that he didn't give any warning so that people could make other arrangements. Here one day and gone the next. I hope to see some of the people over here. ( hello Binn).[COLOR="blue"]

---------- Post added at 18:59 ---------- Previous post was at 18:53 ----------

15-12-16, 00:10
Was anxiety zone a more USA based forum?

15-12-16, 00:12
Not really sure. The main guy in the Medication section lives in Australia and one of the moderators was Irish. Seemed like most of the posters were from the US.

Catherine S
15-12-16, 00:15
Good grief, since this thread was posted on the 12th, 480 people have viewed it at the time of my reply. In 2 days! How many of you ex anxiety zone members have joined us on nmp?! Ah, well...us regulars can put our feet up then Fishmanpa :D

I've been a member of nmp for some years now, but some of you who say you have also been members here as well as anxiety zone, I don't recognise any of you...did you prefer to use anxiety zone more?

Anyway, sorry you are all so sad about the loss of anxietyZ and welcome to those of you who are completely new. We hope you find it a positive experience.

ISB :)

15-12-16, 00:19
Not really sure. The main guy in the Medication section lives in Australia and one of the moderators was Irish. Seemed like most of the posters were from the US.

Thanks :D It's a real shame what's happened. I didn't even know AZ existed. Came here in 2013 lots of great people.
:welcome: to the newbies

15-12-16, 01:07
Anxiety Zone seemed like a much smaller site. Had a really great health anxiety section as well as a phenomenal guy on the medication section who was a wealth of information about any medication you could think of. I am glad to be over here and hopefully some of the members from over there will migrate here. Thanks for the welcome. I am sure I will be as comfortable here when I settle in. Everyone seems very friendly.

15-12-16, 19:21
.....Should we recreate it??!?!

15-12-16, 19:29
.....Should we recreate it??!?!

What do you mean? Please share your thoughts.

15-12-16, 19:33
like literally re create it as best we can with a new site...its a lot of work but if there is enough interest.

I feel like an orphan...

Catherine S
15-12-16, 19:48
Really sorry, but discussing your new venture openly like this is a bit disrespectful to our nmp members don't you think? Particularly if you are an ex anxiety Zone member who has only joined us here because you've been closed down, so only been a member here a few days and would obviously rather not be here.

You all loved AnxietyZ, we know, we get it. But I just think it would be more respectful to nmp's owner, admins and members to plan your new forum via private messages instead.


15-12-16, 20:07
Really sorry, but discussing your new venture openly like this is a bit disrespectful to our nmp members don't you think? Particularly if you are an ex anxiety Zone member who has only joined us here because you've been closed down, so only been a member here a few days and would obviously rather not be here.

You all loved AnxietyZ, we know, we get it. But I just think it would be more respectful to nmp's owner, admins and members to plan your new forum via private messages instead.


NMP is a wonderful site and probably better-run than the other. I am a new member here and was never actually a member there but read posts from both sites as a guest over the years when my HA was getting bad. I think it's no so much that people loved AnxietyZ but just that people formed relationships with others and now are "cut off" from one another. Let's face it, we are all pretty vulnerable and supportive types of people... that's why we join these forums. Personally, I would love it if more of AZ former members made there way here as well. The more the merrier! :)

15-12-16, 20:33
I meant no disrespect to nmp at all, I am sure this place is wonderful and you clearly have ample people to prove it.

Please dont take my anxiety and fear of change as any kind of a negative commentary about NMP or its members, I just invested so much of my time and apparently myself in AZ and now I feel a touch lost.

it was an open ramble, Im sorry if I ruffled any feathers.

15-12-16, 20:53
I thought you meant recreate here, would that be an option?

Catherine S
15-12-16, 21:10
Emmegee, it's not about them staying, I agree the more the merrier because then more people can be helped. My point was about them talking about forming another anxietyZ forum and buggering off again, when many of them have only just got here! We not good enough then lol!


---------- Post added at 21:10 ---------- Previous post was at 21:05 ----------

Sorry, i've also been referring to you as 'them' as if its a 'them and us' thing and that was not my intention, so I apologise for that. We're all on the same side. At least you got my point, so thanks for that ☺


15-12-16, 22:30
Really sorry, but discussing your new venture openly like this is a bit disrespectful to our nmp members don't you think? Particularly if you are an ex anxiety Zone member who has only joined us here because you've been closed down, so only been a member here a few days and would obviously rather not be here.

You all loved AnxietyZ, we know, we get it. But I just think it would be more respectful to nmp's owner, admins and members to plan your new forum via private messages instead.


Yep, doesn't AZ have social media for that anyway?

The membership is gone now, they may not find their way to another site anyway as they may be split across lots of forums. The old domain is valid for years, if people want to invest time & money the option is there.

15-12-16, 22:59
I had gotten a bit attached to quite a few folks over there, would like to know how they are doing.

It would be easy to come over here, it's a friendly and helpful bunch.. well, about that Terry-guy though.. he's a little bossy at times.. (lol) :D

Catherine S
15-12-16, 23:06
Ah, but a mine of info and statistics don't you think? He might make a reasonable replacement for the AZ guy y'all talk about ��

16-12-16, 00:14
Lots of new members... Welcome! :)

Welcome to the Camp, I guess you all know why we're here.
My name is Tommy and I became aware this year.

If you want to follow me, you've got to play pinball.
And put in your earplugs, put on your eye shades
You know where to put the caulk.

Positive thoughts

Yeah I know... showing my age with The Who reference ~lol~

16-12-16, 01:25
I, for one, am glad to be here. This site is awesome and informative too. It's just that we have been used to each other at AZ for a long time and we will miss the ones that don't make it over here. Hopefully those that come will keep the same user names so we can recognize our old pals. Already recognize a few ��

Catherine S
16-12-16, 01:38
Y'all need to tell them to get over here, it's the best forum around IMHO and recommend by UK doctors to patients with mental health issues.

There are alot of members, but not enough answering threads...mostly because alot are too ill to focus on others. For those of us who are well enough, we help where we can but any extra help is always welcome.


16-12-16, 02:18
Actually a lot of questions I don't answer to,is because I don't have any answers for them, I am well enough but some posts I just don't relate with.

Catherine S
16-12-16, 02:27
That's fair dinkum flipp. My comments were not aimed at anybody in particular, I was just speaking generally :D


16-12-16, 03:00
Yeah I know... showing my age with The Who reference ~lol~

I saw them live in concert... how 'bout you? :-)

16-12-16, 03:12
I saw them live in concert... how 'bout you? :-)

Absotively! Also, one of the loudest concerts I've ever been too as well!

Positive thoughts

16-12-16, 20:06
Welcome all.

Having been on other forums where the plug was pulled, and having to pull the plug myself, I know how you feel.

Donate to Nicola. She's a star.

Aww thank you :hugs:

16-12-16, 23:19
I used to be a moderator on Anziety Zone (I posted as pan) a few years back and to be honest I'm surprised it went for as long as it did.

The guy who ran the site made things incredibly difficult at times and people got banned/suspended for the most bizarre reasons.

Still, shame to see it go if that's what has happened as the more resources available to those in the early days the better.

16-12-16, 23:28
I used to be a moderator on Anziety Zone (I posted as pan) a few years back and to be honest I'm surprised it went for as long as it did.

The guy who ran the site made things incredibly difficult at times and people got banned/suspended for the most bizarre reasons.

Still, shame to see it go if that's what has happened as the more resources available to those in the early days the better.

pan, let me thank you again for your thoughtful posts on AZ and here. :)

Catherine S
17-12-16, 02:40
Sorry flipp, only just seen your reply. The weather in Germany is generally the same as in Uk, so its sunny but cold at the mo. I'll be here for Chrimbo and New year but flying back to England in January to help my daughter move house. She's just gone through a divorce so needs a bit of mum's support and home cooking. Hope your situation is getting better by the way.

Cath ☺ x

17-12-16, 04:40
:hugs::hugs:Welcome to all the new members :hugs:

17-12-16, 15:30
Hi everyone. I'm from AZ. I was sorry to see the site go down. I had been a regular visitor to it for about 5 or 6 years, my username was TheBuse. This site looks great.

Catherine S
17-12-16, 18:29
Hi Brian, good to meet you :)


17-12-16, 18:35
:welcome: to all the new members that have come over.

I hope you find the same amount of support and help here as you got there.

17-12-16, 22:05
Also from AZ, where I had basically the same username. Glad to have an alternative, I used to browse this site sometimes even while using AZ and it seems helpful :) although I'm sad I've lost contact with those I had met who had similar stories as me from AZ. Hadn't actually needed to use the site for a few months though until i started experiencing this relapse. Sigh

19-12-16, 10:44
I'm from AZ too (was momof3beauties on there). I was so sad to see it go, that site helped me through some really tough times. But once certain members got banned because of no reason it was getting harder to stay on. I hope I see some of the main ones come here. There are some really helpful peeps over there! Hi Binn :yesyes:


19-12-16, 12:11
I think quite a few have moved over here from AZ. I had an account on there but really didn't use it. I tended to stick with NMP. Hope you find some of your old friends and some new ones as well :)

19-12-16, 12:45
But once certain members got banned because of no reason it was getting harder to stay on.

I was on there for a little while and recognize some of the new members. You're right, anyone who was direct and to the point got a lot of flack. It was more about tea and sympathy and enabling than actual help and advice. I still would read a bit but left the site due to the "politics" you speak of. Leroy and Sixpack would be great additions IMO. Maybe they'll find their way over.

Positive thoughts

19-12-16, 13:06
Im not aware of AZ or any problems. I'm also active on the Sane forums but they are very quiet compared to NMP.

I really liked Black Dog Tribe but that folded in all reality due to Ruby Wax moving on and after the merge with Sane it was a quieter affair

19-12-16, 21:33
I was on there for a little while and recognize some of the new members. You're right, anyone who was direct and to the point got a lot of flack. It was more about tea and sympathy and enabling than actual help and advice. I still would read a bit but left the site due to the "politics" you speak of. Leroy and Sixpack would be great additions IMO. Maybe they'll find their way over.

Positive thoughts

Sixpack helped me tremendously!!

dsmman12. pj
20-12-16, 02:37
This is crazy i cant believe its gone ive been a long time member of anxietyzone i loved that website looks like this place is home now :,(

bin tenn
20-12-16, 03:19
I was shocked the day I tried to go on and AZ had shut down. I was grieving a little even. I had heard that the site was not accepting new registrations and I asked Insights (Ian) about it and he felt that it's days were numbered. Said the owner hadn't been able to be reached for quite awhile. What a shame that he didn't give any warning so that people could make other arrangements. Here one day and gone the next. I hope to see some of the people over here. ( hello Binn).[COLOR="blue"]

---------- Post added at 18:59 ---------- Previous post was at 18:53 ----------

Haha :yahoo:

---------- Post added at 21:19 ---------- Previous post was at 21:16 ----------

AZ is gone for good, too. Not sure how it was set up, but chances are the forum software and contents (old posts) are gone, too. Or at least will be soon if not already.

20-12-16, 03:32
Hello all...AZ transplant here! Same user name. I felt pretty disheartened when I saw that AZ was gone, but I'm glad I found this forum. :yesyes:

20-12-16, 04:32
Why did it have to go?? I just had what would probably be one of the worst panic attacks ever and the site is down?? Since when?

---------- Post added at 04:32 ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 ----------

�� I m going through this and Fishmanpa!! Really appreciated your advice from anxiety zone

20-12-16, 04:53
Blimey, if we get any more "refugees" from AZ we will have to have a vote on whether to build "a wall"? :winks:

The more the merrier. Actually it will be good for current members for more reasons than we probably realise like how chat and the forum are quiet at times when the it's night over here and someone wakes up in a panic. The same for members from Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

20-12-16, 14:06
I use both sites but typically AZ about 80% of the time. I found it a great resource as there were threads on every possible malady or symptom. Many with follow up posts of "i went to the doctor. Found out it was nothing serious".
There was one sticky post there about google and misinterpreting statistics. Helped me a lot, i returned to it again and again...
You would think that someone who would go to the trouble of starting a community like that would have some understanding of anxiety or depression etc and that just pulling the rug out from a community of somewhat vulnerable or fragile people would be something they'd want to avoid. Mayve there were bigger issues.
A pity.

20-12-16, 14:08
Why did it even get shut down, it was a very busy community. Did they just not make enough money or was the owner just tired of it?

Its a shame because it has let adown a lot of people.

20-12-16, 14:42
I agree with you all about it closing and the impact on sufferers but for all we know it could be because the owner is ill too. Like when RLR's stuff all went missing, he probably died since he was in his nineties...which we recently found out was the fault of the forum that is still running but people had made the mistake it was his forum. That just disappeared too.

It would be good in these circumstances where an owner thinks about transferring to a fellow forum.

20-12-16, 14:46
I am sure there could be many reasons ... our admins could speak to the amount of work, stress, and money it takes to run a site like this. And anything could have been going on in his/her life. It's a shame, I mean I would be heartbroken if NMP disappeared too, so I hope the admin is alright.

20-12-16, 14:56
Why did it even get shut down, it was a very busy community. Did they just not make enough money or was the owner just tired of it?

Its a shame because it has let adown a lot of people.

From what I saw, the owner was difficult to communicate with. Differences in opinion with and between admins led to them absolving themselves from any responsibilities. Due to that, there were no new members being accepted for some time before it shut down. Also, several questionable calls concerning banning of members led to dissension in the ranks and members.

I guess the owner got tired of it all and shut it down. The URL is available for purchase.

Positive thoughts

20-12-16, 15:36
It's always going to be a risk with a private website and people running it being untrained in mental health work. The only way around that is to incorporate it into a charity as that introduces rules under legal regulation. At the walk-ins I went to, they were trained to host the meetings and the rules were enforced very well. That's easy when the sessions are limited though, it's not possible in a place like this, but it does stop dissention issues and anyone refusing would be excluded from the charity which I think is fair.

It's always a question of what's the best on balance, there are Admin calls on here I completely disagree with. It can be a question of perspective since there will be people who actually thought the opposite. But if one Admin is ever a problem to the other Admins, it's easy enough for an owner to say yer bike mate.

Dissention in the ranks, well we have that here too. We just have to try and draw a line under it and move forward. We can always ignore, not comment, etc. Other than Admin, that's a non issue to the owner if he/she expects them to enforce the rules.

It's a shame but hopefully AZ members joining here will soon adjust and put it behind them. It's a big shame, as Nancy said, that some have lost a current lifeline at a crucial point for them.

20-12-16, 16:09
From what I saw, the owner was difficult to communicate with. Differences in opinion with and between admins led to them absolving themselves from any responsibilities. Due to that, there were no new members being accepted for some time before it shut down. Also, several questionable calls concerning banning of members led to dissension in the ranks and members.

I guess the owner got tired of it all and shut it down. The URL is available for purchase.

Positive thoughts

I have no idea if that is why the site wrapped but I can only confirm that this was all true.

I modded and visited the site for about a 3 year period and finally left about 6 years ago...even then it was a very tricky role to be impartial on the forum whilst staying inline with the way the owner wanted the site run. Towards the end I was unfortunately getting the distinct impression that he wanted more and more members and less and less people leaving. That is the paradox really...if you think about it a succcesful anxiety forum is the one with very few members.

There were some great members on there such as Sixpack, Shrublet, Xalatino amongst others...I think we all modded as one point or another but all came up against the same brick wall.

20-12-16, 16:54
I modded and visited the site for about a 3 year period and finally left about 6 years ago...even then it was a very tricky role to be impartial on the forum whilst staying inline with the way the owner wanted the site run. Towards the end I was unfortunately getting the distinct impression that he wanted more and more members and less and less people leaving. That is the paradox really...if you think about it a succcesful anxiety forum is the one with very few members.

Seems more the opposite to me unless the preferred format is one where their is a closeness of members? That can bring it's own problems though, things like narrow experience and a lack of diversity in mental health concerns.

So, was AZ a place that aimed to restrict it's membership? Or that he tried to stop people leaving? I would disagree with both in favour of the format here.

Smaller groups can be good for something more intense though but that's needs professional oversight in my opinion.

20-12-16, 17:01
Seems more the opposite to me unless the preferred format is one where their is a closeness of members? That can bring it's own problems though, things like narrow experience and a lack of diversity in mental health concerns.

So, was AZ a place that aimed to restrict it's membership? Or that he tried to stop people leaving? I would disagree with both in favour of the format here.

Smaller groups can be good for something more intense though but that's needs professional oversight in my opinion.

Let's just say myself and others felt that the place wasn't really conducive to recovering and moving on. Like I say this was a good few years ago now but the couple of people I remianed in contact with and who visited said things had stayed pretty much the same.

Edit: My point regarding the successful anxiety forum being one that has a small membership is that ideally people will visit an anxiety forum in the bewilderment stage and then get the necessary smarts to recover and move on. I think when people recover their best course of action is to post a recovery story and then leave or at least drastically reduce their forum input. I was one of those who recovered and who hung around in the guise of helping others but it was only on reflection that I realised that if I was recovered I wouldn't be compelled to visit/post on an anxiety forum.

20-12-16, 17:19
Let's just say myself and others felt that the place wasn't really conducive to recovering and moving on. Like I say this was a good few years ago now but the couple of people I remianed in contact with and who visited said things had stayed pretty much the same.

Edit: My point regarding the successful anxiety forum being one that has a small membership is that ideally people will visit an anxiety forum in the bewilderment stage and then get the necessary smarts to recover and move on. I think when people recover their best course of action is to post a recovery story and then leave or at least drastically reduce their forum input. I was one of those who recovered and who hung around in the guise of helping others but it was only on reflection that I realised that if I was recovered I wouldn't be compelled to visit/post on an anxiety forum.

The same is said about this forum. It was a reason a load of people left to start a new one a while back aimed at recovery. With the right tools, you could do that here but it's easier to start new than change the old in a place like this so I can understand their reasoning. It does require good control though. There is a danger there is a lack of direction in places like this. If I compared this to the local charity they had various recovery groups you could join where you worked together on goals but the walk-in sessions were open to all. They would frequently advertise the recovery groups to members (all free). I think that's a good format to have but it requires a lot of investment from owners, coordinators, etc. It's more for a charity.

I agree with you about recovery. These places can take your life over and become another crutch. When I recovered the first time I threw myself into my work and learned that is was a plaster to prevent me facing up to unresolved things. It would be very demanding for those that choose to train & work in mental health after they have recovered.

I would love to see more Admin involvement in guiding people on any forum. Even if it's creating articles to prompt discussion but it needs a lot of commitment so it's not a criticism of NMP or other forums, just something I would like.

20-12-16, 17:22
The same is said about this forum. It was a reason a load of people left to start a new one a while back aimed at recovery. With the right tools, you could do that here but it's easier to start new than change the old in a place like this so I can understand their reasoning. It does require good control though. There is a danger there is a lack of direction in places like this. If I compared this to the local charity they had various recovery groups you could join where you worked together on goals but the walk-in sessions were open to all. They would frequently advertise the recovery groups to members (all free). I think that's a good format to have but it requires a lot of investment from owners, coordinators, etc. It's more for a charity.

I agree with you about recovery. These places can take your life over and become another crutch. When I recovered the first time I threw myself into my work and learned that is was a plaster to prevent me facing up to unresolved things. It would be very demanding for those that choose to train & work in mental health after they have recovered.

I would love to see more Admin involvement in guiding people on any forum. Even if it's creating articles to prompt discussion but it needs a lot of commitment so it's not a criticism of NMP or other forums, just something I would like.

Good points.

20-12-16, 18:45
:welcome: hello new arrivals from AZ sorry to hear about your site, please make yourself at home and get comfy we are not a bad hunch here and I have received loads of great support from people here and made some great friends.

21-12-16, 04:49
Hi everyone - I'm from AZ too (almost identical username) and am so glad to have found this site with some familiar monikers. Thanks to NMP for welcoming us - this site looks great, and I look forward to being a helpful contributor in my own dedicated quest to overcome HA. I was so shocked AZ just disappeared!

22-12-16, 03:55
Well, Im here from AZ too, same name. I used the forums there for quite a few years, both for help and to try and help others. Posted my way to hero member status in that time. I'm sad to see it go but am thankful that there are other places like this for people to seek out.

24-12-16, 10:56
Hi everyone , I too am from AZ my name was Lilmsflynn73 before though. I am really shocked by the sudden end to AZ especially at this time of year! I am glad to have found my way over to NMP as over the years I have viewed posts and took comfort from others posts but only as a guest, not a member. I find comfort in familiarity and hoping I am able to find my way around here. I found the HA posts in AZ so reassuring and sixpack was so quick to help so many of us. Praying it won't take too long to adjust to a new home .

24-12-16, 15:11
I'm from AZ too. I had hit an HA flair recently and found my way back to AZ after many years away. I was shocked to find it gone. The support system there was like no other. I hope everyone finds their way here. So glad to see so many people here now.

25-12-16, 01:12
I'm really shocked! It feels like the end of an era for me. I was karachondria on anxietyzone and spent most of my teenage years on there, the support system was awesome.
merry christmas everyone, I've got high hopes for what this forum will bring

25-12-16, 02:06
merry Christmas to you too and welcome. got up to do my santa bit, have a brew and check in here.
Ive only ever been on this forum but I think you'll all be settled in in no time it's been very helpful over the years

27-01-17, 21:34
We are using Anxiety Space now for all you former anxiety zone members. Well those of us who had contact details for each other.