View Full Version : vertigo update

12-12-16, 08:42

so I have posted on here a few times about my dizzy issues and how I feel I have been walking on a boat and being pulled to one side etc but never had the true rotational vertigo

a few days ago I used massage balls on my chronic sore neck, the next day my dizziness seemed to dissappear by about 90% it was an amazing feeling

I knew it would come back though and this morning when I turned to my left I got true vertigo like I was on a roundabout

this is so frustrating why would it go away like that for 4 days then come back with rotational vertigo which I haven't had before

12-12-16, 22:14
I have had very similar symptoms on and off for years , physio and massage always helps me when I'm suffering also try and keep busy

15-12-16, 14:06
really years ? what did docs say ?

i feel like i am on a boat, i sometimes get the spinning sensation but then it sometimes goes away for a few days then comes back worse.

Its so intense im worried something serioyus is going on, docs just say vertigo but i hardly ever get the spinning just tilting and sinking and find it hard to walk

15-12-16, 22:19
Honestly I have it on and off for years , look at my previous posts , it's awful , also get head pressure and other head sensations. It comes and goes , but I just try an keep busy and the symptoms do tend to fade