View Full Version : Fed up and worried headaches and can't breathe

12-12-16, 13:28
Hi everyone. I haven't been on here for a while because I have been feeling fine but now I am back and feeling just not right.

About 2 weeks ago I began getting shooting pains in my head they hurt a lot, then I began having headaches everyday sometimes they feel like they come from my jaw and I try and reason that maybe it is Tmj but I can't see how it can be as when I stand up or bend down I have a rush of pain in my head, not really painful I would say a 5 or 6 out of 10. I had my eyes tested yesterday and he looked for pressure behind my eyes, he didn't see anything but did say I needed my prescription changed for my glasses.

Then out of no where yesterday while helping my daughter on the computer I began feeling like I couldn't breath, my chest felt heavy my jaw was heavy and I felt like I wasn't getting enough air in, I can't explain how scary it was, it never completely passed but came in waves where I would feel like I was literally going to pass out as couldn't breathe. My husband called the paramedics they were very good, did an ecg an obs and all was ok, they advised they could take me to hospital for a blood test and follow up ecg but I declined I have a young daughter and just wanted to go to bed. Today my head symptoms are the same and I keep having the feeling like what happened last night will happen again I try and breathe through it but it is so scary. What is happening? We have just moved to the area and so I am not yet registered with a gp. I am worrying that my head and heart symptoms are now connected, I read this morning about adrenal tumours and I fit a few symptoms but then brain tumours also cause head pain with bending down whatever diagnosis it is scary.

Sorry for rambling I just needed to vent when you have had ha in the past no one takes you seriously and I just needed to talk to someone thank you for reading.