View Full Version : Coming off the cigarettes! agitated..

12-12-16, 15:20
Hi all

This is my 5th day of stopping smoking.. The agitation is the only thing that's bothering me and obviously with GAD you'd think I'd be used too it but it's amplified at present due to withdrawal probably only need to wait until tomorrow for the smoke cessation group which is a great help... We help each other :) I'm using NRT (PATCHES)

Has anyone experienced similar symptoms??

I was off the ciggys for 4 month before and the benefits were brilliant.. Breathing.. Energy levels.. Appetite lol... Sleep.. And believe it or not my anxiety was almost halved aswell which is making me more determined this time round.

It's all about the health benefits for me money saved is just a bonus..

It's just i wasn't as agitated last time round.

12-12-16, 15:41
Push through it and you'll see the benefits again! It can be tough, but you've done it before. People often have a smoke when they are stressed, but Nicotine actually raises the body's stress levels.