View Full Version : Total Breakdown - Coming Apart - HELP!!

08-04-07, 22:19
I have been in a health crisis for several weeks and now I am in what I think is a total anxiety breakdown.

Extremely agitated, cant sit down, walking day and night, slept only about 4 hours in 2 nights, pacing, can hardly eat.....really sick and scared. I can't take medications as I have had bad reactions to them all.

Has anyone else ever been this bad from anxiety - how did you survive, I feel like this one is not going to come down and I am going to die!!!


08-04-07, 23:02
Hi Rik,you are going through a bad time,and it will get better.You are not going to die pet.Anxiety has lots of different symptoms.If you have been given meds give them a chance,I was the same as you.But In the end I started them,and Im glad I did.Not all meds give you side affects,and if they do like mine did,the side affects went after about 10 days.:hugs:

08-04-07, 23:14
I have tried meds many times and my body just wont tolerate them.

I would like to know if others have these total disabling breakdowns - cant eat/sleep/pace or walk all day.


08-04-07, 23:43
:hugs: Hiya there Rik, sorry to hear your feeling so down mate, your going to be fine, and your not going to die. The feelings are awful but it will pass, try to slow those negative thoughts down, and do something to relax you, its hard when your mind is racing backwards and forwards, I know and understand how hard it is, but you can control those thoughts, if you can change those thoughts to something positive, and bring yourself back to the present moment, you can do it, you have the control to do it, you really do, you just have to believe you can. So come on Ric, concentrate on feeling better, not worse, ok, see yourself as peaceful and calm, remember its just anxiety thats all, and you will be ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! try it hon!!! Sky

09-04-07, 00:03

Exercise exercise and breathing techniques

Work every time!

09-04-07, 00:12
Split the day up into little chunks. Every hour that passes you are getting better. Drink lots of water, take exercise like Nic says, watch a really absorbing DVD. I know this sounds simplistic but if you can't take meds, it's a good way of dealing with it. Try and sleep if you can, even if it's on the couch with the TV on.

Kay x

09-04-07, 01:08
I agree with Nic. If you absolutely cannot tolerate meds (which can be wonderful in cases like this) then exercise, eating right, and breathing exercies help. There are many relaxation tapes that will talk you through it. My therapist recommended one to me in the beginning when i was much like you described, and it really worked! Also bubble baths are wonderful for me. Hang in there you will soon be looking back on these weeks.....and thinking how much stronger you are now. You will overcome.

09-04-07, 03:12
I have been going through the same thing for two months now. I have inproved some the last couple weeks. I still cannot sleep, but I no longer feel like its going to kill me. I also have a 5 month old to try to take care of.
Hot baths help some. I only keep funny light hearted show on the TV. Absolutly, no news or news papers. I go for a small walk with my husband in the evening. Breath deep with your stomach. Try to eat light things like yogurt, bananas, or apple sauce. Sorry I can't be of more help. WE WILL


09-04-07, 03:41
Hi Rik,

I'm sorry to hear you are having such a difficult time.

Yes, other people do get bouts of anxiety as bad as yours. I'm going out of my mind with bad anxiety at the moment as well!!!

It started a couple of weeks ago after my dog got really sick, my boyfriend left me and a few other little things happened all at the same time. At first I had a couple of really bad panic attacks and then I started waking up with really bad butterflies in my tummy which led to terrible nausea and loss of appetite. This led to me getting really stressed out about mealtimes and I started actually being sick. I got more and more anxious until I was living in a total whirlwind of panic, extreme anxiety and more panic all day and night. I could not sleep and found myself pacing the floors. I phoned my Doctor and was prescribed anti depressants and valium. Like you I cannot tolerate most meds, but the ones I am trying at the moment seem to be helping so it's worth trying different things. I am still extremely anxious but I am now eating properly again which is a start. I was also very tearful and that seems to have improved as well. I am still nervous about leaving the house and I don't like being alone as I feel like I can't cope which scares me. I have been forcing myself to go out at least once a day to prove to myself that no matter how awful I feel, I CAN actually do the things I think I can't do. I've still got a long way to go, but there are good days and bad, so I know I will get through this. You will too, but I would ask to see a counsellor of some sort and give some other meds a try because they just might make things a little easier for you. The only advice I can offer is take each day as it comes, try not to put any pressure on yourself, and don't be embarassed to ask others for help. I have found that reading a good book has helped take my mind off things for a couple of hours and I also walk my dog to burn off that unwanted adrenalin!

Trust me , you are NOT alone and I hope knowing this will make you feel a little better. Feel free to pm me anytime if you want to talk.

Hope you feel better soon.

Love and hugs, shoegal xxx :hugs:

09-04-07, 10:09

Sorry you are going thbrough such a hard time. I think everyone here will empathise with what you are going through. I had a few months after xmas where i felt exactly the same, even had to stop CBT cos i couldnt cope with it!!! It will end. last year I took up cycling and that made me feel so good, honestly. I set myself targets each day to cycle a bit further. It really helped!

Things will get better, it may not seem like it at the moment but it will.
Everyone here is thinking of you!


10-04-07, 02:50
I used to only watch cartoons!! Hey it worked!