View Full Version : Small lump behind ear?

12-12-16, 19:54
HA has been minimal recently...until now :( small bump behind ear, not painful or tender. So I don't think it's a swollen gland? Of course dr google tells me it's a tumour :(

12-12-16, 23:06
You have to steer clear of good old Dr. Google. Rest assured, there will and can be no peace googling symptoms. Everything is fatal, the most minor symptoms are deadly maladies.

Now, all that said, there are many glands in that neck of the woods, and they can swell up for no discernable reason. My son's swelled up when he was 11 or so, and stayed large for a couple years. No reason, other than a cold that caused it. Had a row of four glands down the side of his neck behind his ear.

I won't lie and say I wasn't worried, obviously I freaked, what with HA and all. But the Doc told me over and over again, it is normal and nothing to be worried about.

12-12-16, 23:22
It might be a cyst. I have had one for a couple years. I thought it was a lymph node but the ENT said a harmless cyst.

13-12-16, 08:40
Whereabouts is it? I have one on top of the bone behind my ear and it feels like it's attached the bone

13-12-16, 10:29
That's where mine is, I think it's called the mastoid? It feels like its part of the bone but not usually there, i have had it once before!

13-12-16, 10:46
Yes that's what I've got too. I've had it for about 6 months now. It doesn't hurt at all. Kind of freaking me out x

17-12-16, 19:54
I have had a tiny hard lump behind my right ear that comes and goes for years. Doctor said it is a shotty lymph node. My nodes are very reactive and after an initial freak out I learned to accept that it is a part of me. It comes and goes randomly...

Have it checked out, but it is probably nothing but a lymph node.


18-12-16, 06:25
I have a small lump on top of my mastoid too. I felt my husband's last night and he's got one too. I thought it was normal. If in doubt visit your GP. My Mum had a hard lump behind her ear the once and it was a cyst. She had to have it drained but then it dissapeared and never came back. It was hard too so she didn't believe it was a cyst at first

18-12-16, 07:29
I had a similar thing a couple months ago, though mine did hurt to touch and even my neck began aching I went to the doctors and they said it was nothing to be worried about. Definitely not a tumor you would know and have more symptoms