View Full Version : Sweating a lot

13-12-16, 09:08
I'm not sure if it's anxiety/stress/hormones etc but I'm a really sweaty person lately (probably for about 1.5 years) and it's really getting me down. I've just got back from the school (0.8miles total) and I'm drenched in sweat. My face feels so warm and my fingertips are damp (sorry tmi). It was raining and probably 5-7 degrees so not exactly warm.

Since the dark nights I've been going for an almost daily walk on an evening with my daughter. Before we even get to the half mile mark I'm already starting to get uncomfortably warm. I feel absolutely horrendous. It makes me look disgusting and ratty (as some of you know I can't tie my hair up in front of people so I look like a frizzy mess with the slightest heat or humidity).

It's just another reason why leaving the house is becoming harder and harder. Even in bed on a night I'm really warm, I have a 7.5tog duvet all year so it's not like I'm using a really warm blanket (really cold nights I'm fine).

I know anxiety can cause sweating, but this past 1.5 years my anxiety has been a background issue, mainly situational and I've felt really, really depressed. So I don't understand why it would cause this. Any physical activity and I'm sweating, even things like putting the washer on. It makes me not want to move at all for fear of sweating, I also have a very dry mouth, sometimes it feels sticky.

I've mentioned it to my GP and was told there is medication for it but I wouldn't like the side effects (they know how I feel about medication). I'm sure this is my health anxiety speaking but I'm convinced something is causing it such as a hormonal issue. It started the same time I started feeling really depressed and also developed dark circles. I could try stronger antiperspirants but that would only help my armpits and it's my face/head and hands that's the worst.

13-12-16, 10:26
My boyfriend who suffers from depression gets this really bad. I wonder if it is depression related.... he can have sweat patches under his armpits in freezing weather and in his sleep he's saturated. Sorry not to be much help but hopefully it's a small comfort to know you're not alone.

I get very hot and sweaty too but it's def due to anxiety. I can walk my dog on a cold winters morning without a jacket on most of the time. I know I look weird to other people but I'm past caring what other people think.

13-12-16, 13:24
Serotonin is used in body temperature regulation, as proven in studies of rats, so you can always bet it will be on the symptoms list for anxiety and depression. Increased adrenaline is always going to make you sweat too.

13-12-16, 13:56
Thank you both for replying. It only appears to be either when I'm in bed (except on very cold nights or if I sleep with just a small blanket on) or when I'm physically active though. For example if it's really cold I won't get really sweaty, unless I go for a walk them I'll be drenched.
I'm probably wrong I just assumed nervous sweat would be during periods of nervousness such as making a nervous phonecall (which I have experienced but only in my armpit area).
I guess with me feeling stressed constantly lately, then being active my already risen adrenaline is rising even further and could be causing this unbearable sweating?

It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't as self conscious but I can't even take my jacket off or anything and when outside during daylight hours I always have to have my hood up or I feel extremely stressed. This is why I rarely leave the house in the Summer as it's too hot to put a hood up (I'd probably look like an idiot) but I can't stand going out without it.

Forgot to mention I always feel the chill when others don't too. I'm always either colder than everybody or drenched in sweat. I'm nice and warm at the moment but just sat on settee with fire on.if I move I'll become too hot if I turn the fire off ill be freezing. Can't win!

13-12-16, 14:19
It only appears to be either when I'm in bed (except on very cold nights or if I sleep with just a small blanket on) or when I'm physically active though.

That's so totally normal. I've been that way my entire life and my kids are the same.

Positive thoughts

13-12-16, 14:58
Wow that's crazy Fishmanpa. Everybody I know only sweats with vigorous activity. I'm always the one with the sweat dripping off my face when we're just browsing the town or popping to the Supermarket. It's seriously affecting my life, I hate going out in public because of it (among other reasons of course). What makes it even worse is that if I'm going to be waiting for the bus etc I have to wear my proper coat as I'd freeze but then as soon as I'm walking around town I'm so hot and feel like going home. I hate leaving the house and as I haven't heard from my partner today, it looks like I've got to go to the school :-(. I dread it so unbelievably much.

13-12-16, 15:25
I sleep with a t-shirt on in Winter and in Summer with nothing a but a loosely covered sheet only and a fan on and it never fails I wake up sweating, the bed is damp or wet as well as my pillow. And when I exercise? Buckets!

We're just hot blooded ~lol~

Positive thoughts

13-12-16, 16:11
Strangely enough I'm fine in the Summer haha (in bed), I have absolutely no idea how anybody can put their heating on during the night. I never used to be like this, even drying my hair causes me to sweat profusely and I don't even use the high setting so it's not the heat. I feel dirty constantly.