View Full Version : No side effects yet??

13-12-16, 09:59
Hi everyone this is my first post. I have struggled with anxiety and depression since I was 10 but never really treated it properly. Aside from few short bouts on antidepressants I have finally ( at age 36) admitted to myself I cant cope and that I need help. Since June I have been on Effexor( which made me 10x more anxious), Sertaline( eat-sleep and nervous wreck) and now Fluoxetine. My GP thinks I have definite OCD traits and started me on 20mg. This is day 4 and other than tiredness Im as calm as a budist monk. I read lots of posts and horrible side effects like nausea,increased anxiety,mania... I got none of those yet. Does that mean its not working? Having bad time on effexor and sertaline I expected much of the same is it worse still to come?

14-12-16, 12:21

14-12-16, 12:59
well I'd say your comment "calm as a Buddhist monk"
is a good sign that they'reworking.
side effects from medication are relative to each person
you don't have to see side effects for meds to be working,
if fact it's better if you don't, it means these meds are more comparable with you

14-12-16, 13:12
Thanks for the reply I just had such bad side effects with ones before I wasnt sure if this is bad sign or not that Im feeling fine.

14-12-16, 13:19
I'd definitely say it's a good sign

14-12-16, 13:34
Yes, it is a good sign.

But also proves that drugs only improve the chemical balance, and don't actually improve the thought process.

14-12-16, 13:43
Yes, it is a good sign.

But also proves that drugs only improve the chemical balance, and don't actually improve the thought process.

you're right
that's an issue only we can resolve