View Full Version : Pain/tender spot where neck meets skull

13-12-16, 17:45
Ok, I'm almost positive that anxiety is playing a huge part in this current worry, but:

Due to some trouble with my back, I have been having medical massages. Last week one of the masseurs hit a spot on my left upper back and the pain radiated all the way up to a specific point in the left side of the back of my head, kinda where the neck meets the head.

And since then I have been feeling pain/pressure at that point. The reason why I'm kinda freaked about is that around 4 years ago I turned my head very fast and heard a cracking sound. My head/neck then hurt ofr several weeks, as I was abroad I never got it checked out. I have that pain on and off since then ant it feels a bit like my head is too heavy to carry and the sport is a bit tender to the touch.

As I never got it checked out, I have always been a bit worried that there's
something major wrong and now with my anxiety at its peek, I'm once again freaked out that it's something serious.

Does this warrant consulting the doctor or is it just the anxiety talking out of me?

---------- Post added at 18:45 ---------- Previous post was at 15:43 ----------

Ok, I'm going to try to challenge myself here:

- this has been an ongoing issue for 4 years and it hasn't resulted in anything bad happening so far, so why should it now?
- I have started practising sleeping on my back and I spent the night at my parents place with a pillow that wasn't very soft and I have been doing neck stretches and exercises where my head was on the ground, which might have started this pain
- also I had to get up at 4 a.m. today and although I did get enough sleep it is bound to make one more anxious, especially when combined with the fact that I spent half the day without much food

Ok, I'm gonna use my heatinh pillow and see if that helps and see whether the thing gets worse before eventually consulting my doctor if need be /and will also mention my anxiety to her/

14-12-16, 13:06
I am still freaked out about this. It was painful to lie on my back/left side last night and I get the pain when moving my head certain ways, but also when just sitting still.

I am going to my GP about this tomorrow, but I'm going to preface this by saying that I think I have health anxiety.

14-12-16, 13:39
sounds muscular/skeletal
aggravates if you twist your torso, or tilt head to stretch your neck?
you may need a few physio sessions. one massage is unlikely to give
good relief.
also be aware of your posture, it plays a key roll

14-12-16, 13:51
sounds muscular/skeletal
aggravates if you twist your torso, or tilt head to stretch your neck?
you may need a few physio sessions. one massage is unlikely to give
good relief.
also be aware of your posture, it plays a key roll

Got two more massages and have physio scheduled.

However the pain seems to be way up for it to come from a muscosceletal issue, it's all the way up under my hair, slightly above the level of my ear.

14-12-16, 14:58
you have muscle/tendons in that region, levator scapulae
and one I could never spell something mastoid.
there's also the chance of bulging vertebrae

14-12-16, 15:06
Thanks for the response.

I think I still need to see my doctor and talk to them about HA. So I might as well mention this thing.

14-12-16, 15:24
of course
I was never offering an alternative to medical treatment , just offering something not so scary to consider in the meantime
good look

14-12-16, 15:33
of course
I was never offering an alternative to medical treatment , just offering something not so scary to consider in the meantime
good look

Yeah, thanks.

I think it's a good enough sign that it's not serious that I have moved onto the next pain.

Now it's the tenderness in my lower abdomen on the left side that is bothering mem As well as the general discomfort on my whole left side.

I have celiac disease and although I have been trying to live as GF as possible, I am still paranoid that I have been glutened unintentionally. In the 7+ years since I have been diagnosed, I haven't been to the gastroenterologist for a check up, which makes me worry that this is the issue and that I have caused it by not being responsible about it. I'm working on seeing one, but it's not easy in a cointry with too few specialist doctors.