View Full Version : Doctors tomorrow headaches scared

13-12-16, 17:26
About 2 weeks ago I began having head pains, to start with they were infrequent and bearable. Just the odd painful stabbing pain at the back of my head on top. Then headaches began daily- the only time I am pain free is in bed- tho I sometimes have an ache but not as bad as during the day. The head pain is always there like a dull ache but if I bend over it is like a rush of pressure/pain sometimes it makes me feel sick. I had an eye test and needed new glasses but nothing else. On Sunday my chest was so heavy I couldn't breathe and had to have an ambulance called. An ecg and obs was ok.

I have other symptoms too which scare me-
When I stand still like waiting for my daughter to come out of school I feel like I am going to pass out or black out
I also have tingling in my legs, feet hands and arms

I am so worried it is a brain tumour, I have the doctors tomorrow and just don't know where to start I never seen to be able to articulate properly

I am 30 years old and female. Any help so appreciated

13-12-16, 18:09
I had similar pain 2.5 years ago (at 36). Had so many tests etc - neurologist diagnosed me with occipital neuralgia and migraine. It was a nightmare - I had it constantly for about 18 months. Slowly, over the past 14 months it has diminished. Now it is only occasional. It has been difficult but not deadly. I also get the pins and needles in my hands and arms - although not in my legs and feet - actually, that's not true, but I only get the legs and feet when I am sat on the edge of things for a while - edge of bath while I answer emails etc - but not when my butt is flat on a seat.