View Full Version : Just constant anxiety over nothing, heart palps, etc.

14-12-16, 03:30
I seem to be stuck with a near-constant feeling of anxiety. The best way I can describe it is a buzzing throughout my entire body, a worried feeling, almost as if I can't relax or just be still in the moment. My mind is just racing, albeit mildly and not like it does when you panic, just constantly churning with a worried feeling.

I've also recently developed strange physical symptoms such as heart palps and just feeling generally fatigued and sick.

I know that this anxiety and I'm doing my best to just ignore it and go on with life, reassuring myself with the fact that I am fine and it's just anxiety. I notice that when I am out of the house or at work, it's a bit easier to focus on other things, but CANNOT seem to get it off my mind while at home.

I think maybe my fear of this never going away, constantly worried if I am just always going to feel anxious and crappy is fueling the fire, but.. What else should I be doing? Does the acceptance take time to take an affect?

I'm currently taking 50mg of Pristiq and .5mg of Klonopin twice daily, have been taking both for about 5-6 months now. Not really sure what else I can do besides keep trucking as I have been.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I can't see this just disappearing one day and I'm not sure how to feel "normal" while I feel like this, because my mind habitually worries and thinks negatively, even if I don't listen to it.

15-12-16, 17:02
Hi, just wanted to say I kinda know how u feel. My anxiety has dulled down the last few weeks as medication is slowly working but there's still this nervous feeling that is just there about nothing in particular and I feel like I am ill but there's not actually anything much to pinpoint sometimes just generally feeling unwell and lethargic.

Have you spoken to your doctor about not feeling right still?. Maybe you could try some counselling or cbt etc?. I am going to get on with some sort of therapy after xmas is out the way x

15-12-16, 20:00
I'm experiencing very high anxiety days these days too. Like you, I know it's anxiety and I can rationalize it, but that doesn't mean my body listens. I just feel so tense all day long and am discovering new physical symptoms I never had before.

But no, you're not doomed to feel this forever. I went through a few months of this last year. Then didn't have anything for about 6 months. Then a few weeks. Then nothing. Now it'll probably be a few weeks again. If you can tell yourself it's anxiety, that's a huge step. It will eventually get less and even disappear. But you need to be aware that you will have flare ups for the rest of your life.

18-12-16, 18:50
You describe what I'm going through too. Right now. I'm constantly on edge and on the precipice of a panic attack. I don't even have a valid reason. My body is exhausted as a result. Keeping your mind off it really is the best thing... but that's easier said than done. When I feel like this, I tend to message my friends, have a snack, online shop, read good news stories, read empowering anxiety-beating stories etc. Stay strong... you're not alone!

18-12-16, 20:09
I know how you feel. Before I started Escitalopram (September this year), I had had 2 months of intense non-stop anxiety, just like what you're experiencing right now. It's that awful restlessness and feeling like you might explode or jump out of your skin that's the worst. It's very disruptive and unsettling. Before summer this year, there was a period of my life that lasted about 3.5 years when my days felt like one constant panic attack. I know your plight. :(

19-12-16, 12:08
It makes me feel so down, that there is no way out, despite having experienced this before. Do you find that you forget how to cope when you experience another bout?


19-12-16, 17:02
Jo, I don't know who the question was for, but I hope I can answer it. I find that I am constantly having to find different ways to cope. I feel disheartened and weak every time I experience another bout. It destroys my self-esteem.