View Full Version : Why do I feel so bad the next day?

14-12-16, 08:19
Sorry to post again but I've woken today feeling poorly and naturally my anxiety rockets.

All year I had ill health with huge energy crashes and an underactive thyroid that I'm now being treated for. It's within range again now. My gp said I had chronic fatigue issues but probably due to the thyroid not the syndrome itself.

The energy crashes had improved but recently I've had a few and I always get very afraid. I can't help but add fear and I cry all day.

Last night I did my daughters Christmas concert. I've agoraphobia so it was a huge test and I'd been worried all day incase I couldn't do it. Not panic just anxiety churning in my stomach. I could barely eat all day , I felt far too sick. I managed a jacket potato and bean and some oats. I couldn't eat tea I picked at a few potatoes.

I went to the church and stayed the full duration. Anxiety wasn't that high and I enjoyed it. Afterwards we popped out in the car, I didn't get out. We were in the car about an hour. I started to feel weak and sickly then. Came home forced myself to shower and went to bed. I felt so sick all night and weak. I just knew I'd wake today poorly. I have. I feel weak all over; breathless, woozy head and sickly. It's making me add fear. My minds racing with why do I have these huge energy crashes again? Is it anxiety but surely not as I'm never usually this bad. I feel I've got a hangover I feel that bad.

If I ever get like this it's after a huge exposure or seeing my toxic family. Last Wednesday I had a crash exactly like this and it was a day after wrapping presents for 5 hours plus housework.

I get very anxious and scared on days like this. I worry why I crash like this? Is it normal? It's not like I just feel tired I feel so weak, sick, fatigued, heavy and woozy. I feel hungover. It's horrible. I wish I could accept it when it happens but I can't as these crashes were now rare. I had a full set of bloods 4 weeks ago and I'm doing well health wise. I get afraid somethings been missed and what if I wake like this Christmas day :blush: I wish I didn't add fear but it naturally kicks in and I will feel ill all day plus anxiety on top.

Sorry to post again. I'm just feeling afraid today and worried why this happens to me because surely it's not normal. I felt rough as soon as we got home and it got worse and worse :weep:

14-12-16, 14:53
You have some physical issues that can be contributing to the way you're feeling but stress and anxiety can do the same things and then some. I can tell you first hand that for the last few months since my wife has been ill, I feel like I've been hit by a bus most days and have been suffering symptoms of stress (lack of appetite, poor sleep, muscle aches etc. you name it!). And on those particularly stressful days? The next day was especially worse. Thing is, I know what it is and I also know it's not sinister and what I need to do to remedy it but for now, while I'm still dealing with a Cat. 5 hurricane, I'll also have to deal with the ramifications of the damage it's causing.

Positive thoughts