View Full Version : Update on my groin 'node'

14-12-16, 13:15
So I went to the doctors this morning after obsessing, and I mean obsessing, over a spot/node/lump thing on my groin. She had a feel around, and said it was a blocked hair follicle. A HAIR FOLLICLE. I have been demented over a hair follicle. My boyfriend told me repeatedly it's a spot, you guys on here told me it was a spot/cyst, I was having none of it. So I'm just posting to let you fellow node pokers that it's probably nothing and to remain calm.
I have niggles in my head of course, what if she's wrong, what if it doesn't go away etc. But she explained these follicles often feel like lumps and they have definable borders. This is why I thought it was a node, because I could feel a shape, not just like a mound that you get with spots. She said to go back in a whopping 6 weeks if it wasn't gone, but I think she's hoping I'll have forgotten about it by then haha!

Hopefully this has quelled my HA, at least for now. I've already started thinking about other things that bothered me before the groin, but I'm not going to allow it. No checking, no Googling.
I hope anyone having a similar worry can take some comfort in this.
Thank you everyone who helped me through this particular nightmare.

14-12-16, 14:06
YAY! Glad to hear :)

14-12-16, 14:24
Great news!

14-12-16, 14:30
So I went to the doctors this morning after obsessing, and I mean obsessing, over a spot/node/lump thing on my groin. She had a feel around, and said it was a blocked hair follicle. A HAIR FOLLICLE. I have been demented over a hair follicle. Xxx

We know :winks: It's a real :doh: moment and sometimes hard to admit but thank you for posting this. Hopefully it helps you and others accept normal bodily anomalies as just that... normal :)

Positive thoughts

14-12-16, 16:02
glad you're feeling better
and hope you've learned to eliminate the obvious things before jumping to the unlikely scary ones

14-12-16, 16:14
Glad you are feeling better!! We've all been there I'm sure stressing over something like that. I'm terrible paranoid right now about a lymph node! I know it's a lymph node but I'm still worrying myself crazy about it

14-12-16, 17:16
Thanks for these messages, really appreciate them :)
Yes stecakes and Fishman, our bodies do funny things sometimes, the key is not going to the worst case without reason to! I'm saying this in the hopes I won't fly off the handle anytime soon :/
It's kinda reminded me though, of all those trips I had to the docs a few years ago. Their first answer wouldn't be enough. I'd be back within a few days asking again and again. One thing I took from my CBT is to trust the doctor, we don't know better. And I haven't touched it at all today because I'm genuinely satisfied by what she said. ScaredLizard have you been to the doctors about yours? If they're not worried about it you don't need to be either :) xx