View Full Version : feeling weird 40mg

14-12-16, 13:17
Hey everyone,

just posting about some of the side-effects that have been worrying me lately.... i'm on cit 40mg as well as 40mg twice daily of propanonol for phobia related anxiety/depression.

I was on 20mg for the last 3 years but its been doubled to 40mg because of panic attacks that stopped me eating or functioning for a solid week and a bit.

i've been on the new higher dose for 5 weeks and the major side effect i'm struggling with is the lack of emotional release... i'll get really teary when i'm panicking but unable to cry, and i'm finding that odd because i'm still getting panic attacks but my ability to get sad has gone out the window!

Although i know i can tell myself thats better than the constant crying and panic i had when i was first suffering (thanks to the prop i can stop panic attacks rolling into eachother enough to calm down), but i can't help thinking that i need that emotional release just to feel better...

has anyone else had a similar experience? is this normal?

14-12-16, 13:36
That is the downside of medication.

It's tough to feel sad when you are on drugs that are meant to improve your mood.