View Full Version : Toenail fungus or cancer?? So scared.

14-12-16, 14:21
For a good few months now I've noticed the left side of my big toenail is brown. Was cutting my nails today and noticed a part of it was gone very dark brown. I googled toenail fungus and I came across toenail cancer. I'm terrified now, I don't know which I have. I don't want to google any more as I know I'll have the symptoms of cancer. What should I do? Was only at the doctor 2 days ago for something else so I can't go back there again. Does anyone know anything about toenail cancer?

14-12-16, 14:25
It's a different illness\ailment\whatever, of course you can go back to the doctor.

14-12-16, 14:32
Toenail cancer? really? Why does it have to be cancer? Can't it be the most likely thing? Why not go to the store and buy some toenail fungus treatment and leave it at that?

Positive thoughts

14-12-16, 15:19
I know I'm jumping to the worst possible case scenario again, but my nail doesn't seem to resemble most of the toenail fungal images and descriptions I've seen. This is really scaring me now. I really don't want to go back to the doctor over this, but what else will reassure me? I don't want this hanging over me for christmas :weep:

Catherine S
14-12-16, 15:35
I've lost count of the people on the forum who check symptoms on Google, scare the crap out of themselves then post threads asking members to calm them down and take away their fears. How many more times do we have to say this...Stop googling symptoms if you have health anxiety :lac:

We can't diagnose, but it sounds very much like a fungus infection, but if you've convinced yourself you have cancer under your toenail then go to your doctor.


14-12-16, 16:14
I know what you're saying ISB, but I genuinely was only looking for a bit of info on toenail fungal infection. The last thing I thought I would find was toenail cancer. And since I saw it my head is all over the place.
Can I just ask people's advice here - if I do go to the doctor, am I going to look and sound absolutely ridiculous. For someone who doesn't have HA, would it even cross their mind to go to a doctor over something like this? I just don't know any more how irrational I'm being

14-12-16, 16:17
You know what though? Toenail bed injuries can cause color changes and structure changes. My kid has a wonky toenail that is dark colored. She smashed it in a door and the nail fell off. Now she has a weird colored weird shaped nail.

It sounds like it is a fungus but if not? You've probably smacked your foot or smashed it and might not even remember it!

Catherine S
14-12-16, 16:25
You will always find a cancer diagnosis on dr. Google no matter what the symptoms you're asking about. I've got to the stage in my recovery where I can Google symptoms and look at the results rationally, but for people still in the throes of HA, it really is a no go area.

As for your embarrassment about asking your doctor to take a look at your foot, don't be. They are there for stuff like this as well as the big stuff. You might be able to just see one of the nurses if you'd prefer.


14-12-16, 21:40
well it's original, I'll give you that
I'd say there's more chance of you growing an extra toe than this being cancer
ok so it says it on the internet. it also says on the internet that the earth is flat
it says there's proof!!!
you need to avoid using google for (ANY) health matters

14-12-16, 21:47
If you don't feel comfortable going to the doctor again then book a chiropodist, i would imagine they are trained to recognise the difference

15-12-16, 07:14
For a good few months now I've noticed the left side of my big toenail is brown. Was cutting my nails today and noticed a part of it was gone very dark brown. I googled toenail fungus and I came across toenail cancer. I'm terrified now, I don't know which I have. I don't want to google any more as I know I'll have the symptoms of cancer. What should I do? Was only at the doctor 2 days ago for something else so I can't go back there again. Does anyone know anything about toenail cancer?


When a toenail develops a fungal infection, it typically turns yellow or brown.

Why would you think it's cancer?

Get some fungal treatment on it. Could take up to 12 months to get rid of and pay attention to your shoes and socks. Also, don't wear nail poilsh. The nail needs to breathe.