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14-12-16, 17:04
Today has been really terrible day and a culmination of the terrible past two months.

In the morning I felt so nauseous/about to cry that I left work early.

And I just spent the last 30 minutes to cry.

I feel like I have completely lost tje ability to distinguish whether I'm actually in pain or not.

It's a vicious cycle, every day for the past two months I have had the following pains or discomfort: left underarm and chest (feel likes it comes from the ribs), middle chest pain/pressure, back pain and discomfort, neck and back of head pain. I feel like I can't get a deep breath and as if my head/lungs were constantly underwater. There are sore spots on my lower abdomen on both sides, more sensitive on the left that constantly feel as if I were bloated at those points. I am exhausted and looking forward to sleeping as it's the only time when I feel ok.

I just can't shake the feeling that something's wrong.

Now I am starting to lose my appetite and am even starting to dislike drinking as it makes it feel as if my lungs were drowning.

I am going to see my doctor tomorrow and tell her everything and ask her for a referal to a psychologist if she thinks that there is no physical reason for all of this.

14-12-16, 17:22
Kaede, anxiety can account for all of these problems. Sickness feelings, appetite loss, tension pains in the chest/back/shoulders/head. I had the same a few years back. I had a course of CBT after a referral to a psychologist and helped me enormously. You're doing the right thing by chatting with your doctor.
Feel better xx

14-12-16, 17:55
Thanks for the nice words.

I just wish there was some kind of scanner that could tell me what is real and what I am just imagining.

14-12-16, 17:59
You sound like me Kaede with the back pain etc, it's made my HA rocket over the last few months. I always say i wish i had a personal scanner too.

14-12-16, 18:03
You sound like me Kaede with the back pain etc, it's made my HA rocket over the last few months. I always say i wish i had a personal scanner too.

But I suppose that everyone on this board does.

15-12-16, 09:17
Update: I went to see the GP and got refered to a neurologist (due to the back pain) and a psychologist. Need to make the appointments.

Feeling ok at the moment. Just struggling to distinguish real pain from imagined one.

15-12-16, 09:31
It's good that you have the referrals. I remember thinking like you. Never sure what was real or if any of it was real for that matter. I imagined I had so many illnesses. And I had many of the symptoms that went with those illnesses. I can honestly say that out of all those illnesses the only real ones were a few UTIs. And high blood pressure that was caused my never ending anxious state.

15-12-16, 09:33
Just struggling to distinguish real pain from imagined one.

Don't bother. Pain is pain, real or imagined. So stop focussing on it.

Start focussing your attention outwards into the world.

15-12-16, 09:43
Thanks for the replies, guys.

I tried to exercise for a bit but I started to feel pain in my lower left abdomen and it reminded me of one of the fears I have - I have celiac disease, try to adhere to the diet but I haven't been for a check to the gastroenterologist in all that time. It has me worried that I have been doing something wrong and that's the cause of all this trouble. Forgot to mention this pain/fear to the Dr. this morning.

15-12-16, 09:47
If you are a celiac, you have to stick to the diet religously.

I'm gluten intolerant. A lot less severe, and if I eat anything with it in now I feel horrendous, and super anxious.

You have to sort that out.

15-12-16, 10:23
I mean I definitely haven't been eating gluten intentionally. You wouldn't catch me eating regular bread or something.

I had an accident with pizza which was supposed to be gf and that wasn't a few months back, but other tban that...

I am just worried that gluten somehow made it's way in trough food prepared by others who believed it was GF and it wasn't /family & friends/

Of course the easiest way would be to see a gastroenterologist and check. I have called my original one last week and the nurse said I could come for a consult this week during lunch. But I am stressed out about that visit as I haven't been there for all those years.

---------- Post added at 11:23 ---------- Previous post was at 11:04 ----------

Just called the gastroenterologist and going to see them for a consult tommorrow.

15-12-16, 11:33
Good idea. Make sure you go. Don't worry about not going there for years. They aren't going to reprimand you. You will only feel awkward for the first few minutes then you will just be glad you are there. Like SLA said try to focus on something other than the pain and tell yourself that you are in the process of getting it sorted.

15-12-16, 11:46
Well they were quie condescending the last time I was.

I am not in pain right now, so instead I am stressed out that I asked the Dr. for a sick leave although nothing seems wrong at this moment. Hate my brain.

15-12-16, 11:53
Not in pain right now should tell you something. Let me quote my old doctor because that's what I do lol "bad things don't go on holiday". :)

15-12-16, 13:28
Yeah, the pain in back of my head is back, but it came from execersising.

Now I feel extremely thirsty and have to drink all of the time. Which can be a sign of getting glutened.

But I only ate stuff that was marked as GF today.

15-12-16, 13:37
You exercised and got thirsty?

Well I never...

15-12-16, 13:52
No, the thirst came prior to the exercise. And it's the kind of thirst that can't be stopped by drinking a glass or two of water.

Also even prior to the exercise I have had this hot feeling kinda like when you have fever but I don't have one.

I had scones that my mom made for lunch, I wonder if gluten could have somehow made it's way in to those? Or if there might be something else in them that I'm sensitive to?

15-12-16, 14:08
Of course...

15-12-16, 14:17
Ok, I realize it sounds crazy.

But when I was diagnosed with CD, I didn't have any symptoms or I didn't realize I had them.

So it makes it very hard to tell whether I have or haven't been glutened.

But yeah, it doesn't make sense to dwell on it, I should just consult it with the Drs and find some other stuff to do this afternoon.

16-12-16, 12:24
Tried calling the psychologists that my doctor gave me the names of. The earliest I can get an appointment is late January. Darn, I was hoping this wouldn't ruin Christmas.

Seeing the neurologist today or on Monday and talking to gastro Dr. today.

---------- Post added at 13:24 ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 ----------

Went to see the gastroenterologist, he was extremely nice. Told me not to stress and that my symptoms didn't sound like they were from CD. He did mention it could be GERD, although the symptoms don't quite match. He gave me a prescription for something against reflux though just in case.