View Full Version : Waking in the night, jittery and breathless

14-12-16, 17:53
I have had anxiety for 13 years and have never had trouble sleeping before until 4-5 months ago. I wake up and feel jittery and shaky inside and feel like I can't breath. It's not full blown waking up in a panic, I wake up slowly and get those symptoms. Occasionally I have woken up like I can't breath and get palpitations then feel lightheaded. I get this nearly every night so I get anxious in the evening thinking about it. A few people have suggested sleep apnea but I don't think I have that ( or at least I keep telling myself that) I have serious health anxiety aswell so that doesn't help. Anyone else had these symptoms?

16-12-16, 04:30
I can relate to this, I'm not sleeping right, and I'm going through a bad patch of anxiety and panic attacks, all the symptoms you have point to GAD and the fact that you are worried about it before you go to bed is probably fuelling it
I get health anxiety and it's not nice when you get new symptoms and scenarios.
Hope things soon get better for you

16-12-16, 05:27
I read this interesting but sad article: https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2016/mar/24/panic-attack-poll-swansea-most-panic-stricken-city
According to a survey, almost one in 10 residents in e.g. Swansea have a panic attack once a week or more often. It's Welsh and Midland cities that rank highest: Swansea no 1, Wolverhampton is no 2, Cardiff no 3, Glasgow no 4, Birmingham no 5, etc.