View Full Version : Brain tumour fear has been exasperated...

14-12-16, 22:25

I have posted before about having a headache for a month.

It initially felt like a sinus one - around the eye and forehead.

Last Thurday it changed, throbbing on one side of my temple.

It got really bad on Sunday and I heard "popping" in my head and went to A&E.

The doctor looked in my eyes and did a quick neuro exam and decided that I need to ak my GP for an urgent CT scan.

He aid it's not normal to have a headache for a month.

My GP thinks he's being over cautious.

Totally freaking out now......

14-12-16, 22:27
Meh.... not normal to have a headache for a month sure, but not unusual either.

Brain tumor headaches don't move around.

14-12-16, 22:28

Youre so quick to reply!


14-12-16, 22:44
Totally normal to have a headache for a month in my opinion!
I had one almost every day for 2 years! Stress, anxiety, overuse of headache medication, you name it!
I think me taking a painkiller for them every day, started causing them.

Do you take painkillers for them? Because that could very well be what's causing them to stay for so long.

14-12-16, 22:53
saying it's not normal is not saying it's suspected brain tumour.
I think you suspect it more than they do. their just covering all bases
typical signs of brain tumours are more like seizures, strokes, instant blindness, uncontrolled vomiting.