View Full Version : so this might sound silly..

14-12-16, 22:49
Hey again,

Ive posted already about not being able to cry on citalopram (been on the higher dose for around 4-5 weeks) but i'm thinking i'm really looking into the effects too much now.. anyway!

i've noticed i'm super anxious in the morning until about 2-4pm and then i'm overly relaxed and happier in the evenings. i'm on 40mg of cit and 40mg twice daily of propanonol.

Anyway i really started worrying about how i come across to other people, i was making jokes and being a load more expressive with my hands and face.. i guess i worry that perhaps its not normal happiness? or some sort of mania.... but i know its silly, it gets bad when you have been so panicky and sad that I start freaking out about being happy and expressing myself more. i'm just thinking i'd totally know if it was having a bad effect on me or i was acting strangely right?

thanks for reading, i'm hoping theres other people that have been in the same boat :)

18-12-16, 00:25
Sorry I have no experience with meds, but I wanted to post a reply to let you know I am spending you good thoughts and hope someone has some experience they can share to make you feel better.

Anxiety sucks! Just be who you are, manic or not. The true friends will accept you no matter what :hugs: