View Full Version : Sharp head pain

15-12-16, 04:44
I suffer from hypochondria and ocd so whenever I get a symptom that I have never had before and can't find any info on I tend to non stop obsess over it. Anyway I was eating pizza got full went back 15 min later for one moreason slice and anytime I would swallow the back right side of my head would get a sharp electric type pain and it's worrisome. I also noticed when I burp the pain is there but it's only when I swallow or burp. Any ideas what could be causing this??

15-12-16, 10:13
I actually had something very similar a few weeks ago, every time I burped or swallowed...but only the first gulp I...I would get a sharp pain in my shoulder blade. It was making me paranoid as I'd never experienced anything like it. Well cut a long story short I sat with my body sideways and as I straightened up I got an awful pain in the same place, and then all my sharp pains were gone so it must have been a trapped nerve and I managed to untrap it some how? At least that is what I'm telling myself! Highly likely yours is a trapped nerve too. Just to say aswell I had this for over 6 weeks!