View Full Version : Blood tests.

15-12-16, 09:58
I had blood tests on Monday and have heard nothing back as yet.
Do I assume no news = good news? Or can it take longer than 3 days for results to be interpreted?

15-12-16, 10:16
Did they tell you to call back to get the results?

At mine you call to find out the results, or you book an appointment to discuss the results with a Doctor.

15-12-16, 10:34
At my surgery they call you if there's an issue. We are told we can call if we want to, but no news is good news. However as SLA asked, have they told you to call back? If so, you should probably give them a ring.

15-12-16, 14:27
It will likely take much longer anyway. If they spot something, they will contact your doctor who will contact you. Even then, it may be a minor issue to follow up so don't assume until you get to speak to the actual doctor (receptionists sometimes can scaremonger unintentionally by saying there is something to see a GP about but then saying they can't say anymore over the phone).