View Full Version : walking on a boat feeling

15-12-16, 14:09
pleas ehelp i want to hear from others who have had this and who got over it

for about a year i feel like im walking on a boat, i sometimes have attacks that l;ast a few seconds but only once i have had the spinning vertigo, docs say it is vertigo, i tried doing eply manouvre etc and nothing works, steriod nasal spray doesnt work either, sirc tablets dont work

it gets so bad i find it hard to walk then it will just vanish for about 4 days then come back again, i am so worried its something serious but if it was i wouldnt have times where it goes away would i ?

18-12-16, 00:35
Listen to your doctors, they know best! Are you talking to an ENT?

My mother gets vertigo sometimes. It's really annoying, but it comes less frequently now.

I hope you feel better soon!

20-12-16, 08:57
its horrible, i feel like there is something wrong with my brain but i always pass all the neuro exams ? but then some days im almost fine, if it was serious would i get a few days where i feel fine ?

21-12-16, 23:07
I was diagnosed with vertigo years ago and its suddenly come back. The motion is like sea sickness for me or roller coaster feeling.

The doc gave me some tablets and it disappeared but as i say its come back! Sounds like vertigo to me, i know the feeling, its horrible!!