View Full Version : Is it just me???

09-04-07, 16:18
Well I am not sure where to start really but I have noticed that since about Christmas time I have started to get more anger inside myself. I don't know why this is but I find that I tend to snap at people over the silliest things :shrug:
Now I do suffer from PMT before my period and find that I get very angry over the slightest things but now it seems that I get angry more often.

I think it is anxiety related as I was never like this before. I don't get angry all the time it's just some days, on my "off" days I find that I get angry and snap at my partner. This is obviously taking it's toll on our relationship because we have split up and got back together a few times since all this happened.

Today for example we were meant to be going out shopping for a few bits, when I asked my boyfriend what time I should be ready for he turned round and said "We aren't going anywhere". Now this annoyed me because we have spent the whole easter weekend doing nothing!! Now I can understand him wanting to relax and chillout but these things need doing and yet he doesn't seem bothered and is now upstairs playing on his Playstation not talking to me.
I did snap at him about it but now I feel guilty for it and when I went to apologise he just ignored me.
It is so frustrating sometimes, I don't know what to do really.
I don't mean to snap but sometimes I just can't help it. Afterwards I feel so guilty and worried that I am turning into a horrid monster:weep:
Does anyone else suffer with this kind of anger?
Maybe it is just me and I am turning into an evil woman lol
Well I hope not anyway.
Laura xx

09-04-07, 21:12
Heya, I can sympathise with you cos I had a similar thing happen to me today, because my boyf's mother INSISTED we went to see his gran who isn't well.

Of course the first thing that popped in to my mind was that she had a stomach bug so I was insistent that we didn't go due to my phobia of sick. Anyway so after my snapping because of all this he eventually went and found out she's just a bit run down. So of course I felt really bad.

Sending hugs your way, I wish I knew what would make it better.